some think that gun laws are unconstitutional

Read up on gun laws in Australia!

Yes I am a gun toting Liberal...


Isn't that an oxymoron
For the benefit of this UK national and Thailand resident, would someone explain the perceived need in the US to own anything other than a licenced hunting gun, please?
The constitution gives us the right to keep weapons to defend there home an country. That way everyone is part of the defense of our country. It has nothing to do with hunting but defense. Its hard to attack a nation that there could be a gun behind every door. Its also hard for a government to go far from what the people want if the military power is with the people.
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BUT FAR MORE IMPORTANTLY you should have to do more to be able to sell guns. One of the major flaws in the so-called system is gun shows. Gun shows are cool and lots of fun, but why are so many regs by-passed at gun shows??

No laws are "by passed" at gun shows
That's a fantasy parroted by those who would like to ban guns.

All gun laws apply for ALL gun sales no matter where they take place​
For the benefit of this UK national and Thailand resident, would someone explain the perceived need in the US to own anything other than a licenced hunting gun, please?

It's got nothing to do with "need"

It's got everything to do with freedom​
Its a bit of tradition and culture and a bit of Dogma too. There are hobbyist, gun collectors, avid hunters, all varieties of gun owners in the US. I have a gun because I am a woman that lives alone and I have a right to protect myself and defend my property, not only from other people but rabid animals or pests as well. I don't have a CC as I feel the need to carry a gun with me.

Being in Texas, many people do have guns and hunt regularly, but it was still a shock to me being in Arizona with people walking around with them on there hips! lol, I almost peed my pants.

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