some think that gun laws are unconstitutional

When I mentioned mass killings I was referring to the rather too frequent examples of nut jobs walking into schools, McD's or around towns shooting anyone they can see. From memory I think that in each case the guns were owned legally.

Please post the source of your statistics. I wold like to take a closer look at them. Do they divide 'guns' from 'violent'?

Keep in mind areas of mass shootings..... schools, businesses etc... are areas were a law abiding citizen are not allowed to carry a gun. Except for McD's.. and I believe that was before most of us were "allowed" to carry one. You never hear about people who have protected themselves against crimes and I can guarantee you there are alot of them!

And all those countries above, I believe have banned guns (except some for hunting). Look at how high the crime rate is compared to the US! It's fact that states who allow CCPs have a crime rate drop. It's too risky for a criminal if their victim could be armed. When I was visiting a friend in Austria, where guns are banned, they have a huge problem with the Turks crossing the boarders with guns and attacking the citizens..... they cannot fight back.

I would love to see gun safety in schools for all kids (also inviting the parents to participate). I think this would help curb the curiosity for children playing with guns. I think it would help remove some of the fears people have. If you've been educated and trained, they don't seem so scary. I was raised around them and started shooting when I was 8 yrs old. We (3 kids) knew where they were kept, loaded and unlocked, and we NEVER thought about playing with them.

Whats nice about being here is that you have the right to choose. If you don't want a gun in your home or on your person.. thats your right to choose. Too many people feel that if they don't think a gun is necessary, no one else should have the right to choos them, and thats where I have the problem. I don't have a problem with reasonable laws and regulations on carrying concealed, open carry etc..

If someone is going to go on a nut and kill someone, if guns were banned, they'll find another way to do it. So to me that is a lame excuse to use the "what if's" to base the need for banning guns.

There's a saying that China would never invade the US because there is a gun behind every blade of grass........ Think about that and how this thought could be what has protected us from other countries for so long....... and face it, America is not Miss Popularity! The only attacks to our country have been from the air cause they're too chicken to face us on the street!

Why would China want to have a war with anyone? Where did that come from? They are making a good job of screwing the West with trade and currency exchange rates. They are doing it to most of Asia too, come to think of it. No army is going to face the US in its own streets because it's too big a country but there are other ways to damage a country and the enemies of the West are well into doing it.

My view is that the easier it is to get guns the more likely it is that criminals will carry them. At the micro level, no-one in England has said to my kids, 'Get of my street or I'll blow off your head'.

I still await statistics that show gun related deaths to be fewer per head of population in a gun carrying country than elsewhere.
Thaiturkey do you know why Japan did not try to invade the US main land during WWII?
Their officers said there would be a gun pointed at their back behind every rock, tree and bush.

It is a right by the US Constitution for any law biding citizen to bear arms.

I also have a CC permit.
Actually it more about allowing the people the ability to defend themselves against their own government if it ever became tyrannical. In the system of checks and balances between the 3 branches of the federal government, the final check and balance is the people and the 2nd amendment.
1. Yes, it is a protected right, here in the USA. Our form of Government and freedom was an experiment. This gave us wiggle room if it became corrupted and decadent..

2. I am not sure who decides it's time. Revolutions just sort of happen. I know that sounds horrible but it's the truth.

3. My kids have grown up with guns, respect them and will stay out of them... Now the baby.. When he goes from the cute 4 month old stage into a toddler, you betcha that anything I have will be out of reach and locked up.

4. Do you really think that our armed forces will 100% whole heartedly agree with turning their weapons on us? Many folks I know that are still actively discussing this. There have been many folks on the news as of late.... And push comes to shove? No, a lone hillbilly with a bolt action 30/.06 will not be able to go toe to toe with a platoon of folks with automatic rifles in conventional warfare.

5. Don't forget about home field advantage... Most of us know the lay of our land better than folks flown in who are armed with topo maps and compass's.
I spin what you say around..(Because in reality it is the way it is.
We are the aggressor and have not been able to win a war since WWII. We rely heavily on air support and so on. Why did we not win. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Afghanistan, Iraq 2??????????
Because:::::: When the will of most every man woman and child is to get the aggressor out and they have access to weapons of any sort, it is virtually impossible to win by force.... It always remains the will of the people...


Very interesting thoughts!

I would like to add a couple.

While we worry about who might turn up with a gun to kill us, take a look over your shoulder and see who's stealing your country and culture from you.

I'd also like to add a comment about American independence from Britain. This came from an American documentary and I'm no historian so decide for yourself. Also, I've done no Googling to fill out my recollection of what the documentary said. I have no axe to grind for the British Empire either. The documentary said the King George thought his two Generals were were slacking so he sent out an eager beaver to get a victory. That man gave the other two a strategy which involved them joining him in a decisive battle. They agreed but did nothing. The documentary claimed that the two had no heart for killing their own countrymen who has settled in a foreign land. So, the war was won or lost because of attitude rather than guns. The will of the people, in a sense.
Actually it more about allowing the people the ability to defend themselves against their own government if it ever became tyrannical. In the system of checks and balances between the 3 branches of the federal government, the final check and balance is the people and the 2nd amendment.

I've heard the part about defending yourself from your government. I can see where people would come to that conclusion. It doesn't apply very well today though. Not unless you have 300,00 soldiers armed to the teeth in your basement.

Actually the 4th branch is we the people and our right to vote. Unfortunately it is also the most abused right. People don't pay attention and then they go pull those handles not knowing what will happen when they do.

The 2nd amendment doesn't give you any power except the ability to have an equalizer and potentially take someones life. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Just being realistic.
Keep in mind areas of mass shootings..... schools, businesses etc... are areas were a law abiding citizen are not allowed to carry a gun. Except for McD's.. and I believe that was before most of us were "allowed" to carry one. You never hear about people who have protected themselves against crimes and I can guarantee you there are alot of them!

And all those countries above, I believe have banned guns (except some for hunting). Look at how high the crime rate is compared to the US! It's fact that states who allow CCPs have a crime rate drop. It's too risky for a criminal if their victim could be armed. When I was visiting a friend in Austria, where guns are banned, they have a huge problem with the Turks crossing the boarders with guns and attacking the citizens..... they cannot fight back.

I would love to see gun safety in schools for all kids (also inviting the parents to participate). I think this would help curb the curiosity for children playing with guns. I think it would help remove some of the fears people have. If you've been educated and trained, they don't seem so scary. I was raised around them and started shooting when I was 8 yrs old. We (3 kids) knew where they were kept, loaded and unlocked, and we NEVER thought about playing with them.

Whats nice about being here is that you have the right to choose. If you don't want a gun in your home or on your person.. thats your right to choose. Too many people feel that if they don't think a gun is necessary, no one else should have the right to choos them, and thats where I have the problem. I don't have a problem with reasonable laws and regulations on carrying concealed, open carry etc..

If someone is going to go on a nut and kill someone, if guns were banned, they'll find another way to do it. So to me that is a lame excuse to use the "what if's" to base the need for banning guns.

There's a saying that China would never invade the US because there is a gun behind every blade of grass........ Think about that and how this thought could be what has protected us from other countries for so long....... and face it, America is not Miss Popularity! The only attacks to our country have been from the air cause they're too chicken to face us on the street!

Why would China want to have a war with anyone? Where did that come from? They are making a good job of screwing the West with trade and currency exchange rates. They are doing it to most of Asia too, come to think of it. No army is going to face the US in its own streets because it's too big a country but there are other ways to damage a country and the enemies of the West are well into doing it.

My view is that the easier it is to get guns the more likely it is that criminals will carry them. At the micro level, no-one in England has said to my kids, 'Get of my street or I'll blow off your head'.

I still await statistics that show gun related deaths to be fewer per head of population in a gun carrying country than elsewhere.

I need to find the quote, but it was around the Korean war that china nixed the idea of striking us here in our homeland. A million man army versus a nation that is largely armed and prepared to defend it. Their million man army wasn't all that big then.

I also know that statistically there's more guns than people here in the usa
1. Yes, it is a protected right, here in the USA. Our form of Government and freedom was an experiment. This gave us wiggle room if it became corrupted and decadent..

2. I am not sure who decides it's time. Revolutions just sort of happen. I know that sounds horrible but it's the truth.

3. My kids have grown up with guns, respect them and will stay out of them... Now the baby.. When he goes from the cute 4 month old stage into a toddler, you betcha that anything I have will be out of reach and locked up.

4. Do you really think that our armed forces will 100% whole heartedly agree with turning their weapons on us? Many folks I know that are still actively discussing this. There have been many folks on the news as of late.... And push comes to shove? No, a lone hillbilly with a bolt action 30/.06 will not be able to go toe to toe with a platoon of folks with automatic rifles in conventional warfare.

5. Don't forget about home field advantage... Most of us know the lay of our land better than folks flown in who are armed with topo maps and compass's.

Sorry but that's cloud cuckoo land. A belligerent government doesn't even need to raise one gun to subjugate a nation. Look at propaganda as one alternative. Keep them all scared for their lives and they will do what you want. It would want you all to live and work, not fight it and die. Even that might be preferable to a bunch of hoo hahs with guns and pseudo military uniforms taking over.

But this is a long way from protecting your family from an intruder so what it the real argument for guns in the hands of the nut jobs?
I want to answer these points in two parts..

It might be cuckoo cuckoo, but an alarming number of Americans are becoming dissatisfied with the way our government is being run. The government is enacting policiy that the majority of us don't want.. Vehemently protest, and the only non violent way we can react is to vote them out or recall them? Sometimes that takes years. In the case of our Elected President, I don't think he'll be re-elected. One of his backyard bbq town hall whatchamacallits... He said he's doing what HE thinks is right for US regardless of what we think for THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE.. said that... national television. Doesn't care what we think.. he's the big guy, he's gonna do what 75% of us are opposed to. Hm...?

Actually I think as a nation we're too soft on criminals. I think if folks knew the penalty was as harsh as the crime, things would change. This may be slightly off topic, but a nutjob shoots up a school, you hang him and say a prayer for his soul... A sicko rapes women or children? Strap him down, juice him up and watch him twitch. There are some folks that were wired wrong. No amount of fixing will help. Suddenly, those who are borederline but still have choice.. choose not to live the easy life where you take what you want because no matter what happens,if you get caught, you will get 3 square meals a day, a bed, healthcare, HBO and all the free time in the world.
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I want to answer these points in two parts..

It might be cuckoo cuckoo, but an alarming number of Americans are becoming dissatisfied with the way our government is being run. The government is enacting policiy that the majority of us don't want.. Vehemently protest, and the only non violent way we can react is to vote them out or recall them? Sometimes that takes years. In the case of our Elected President, I don't think he'll be re-elected. One of his backyard bbq town hall whatchamacallits... He said he's doing what HE thinks is right for US regardless of what we think for THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE.. said that... national television. Doesn't care what we think.. he's the big guy, he's gonna do what 75% of us are opposed to. Hm...?

Actually I think as a nation we're too soft on criminals. I think if folks knew the penalty was as harsh as the crime, things would change. This may be slightly off topic, but a nutjob shoots up a school, you hang him and say a prayer for his soul... A sicko rapes women or children? Strap him down, juice him up and watch him twitch. There are some folks that were wired wrong. No amount of fixing will help. Suddenly, those who are borederline but still have choice.. choose not to live the easy life where you take what you want because no matter what happens,if you get caught, you will get 3 square meals a day, a bed, healthcare, HBO and all the free time in the world.

But none of that justifies walking around with a gun tucked down the back of your trousers.

If you don't like a government, vote it out, don't shoot it out. If the penalties for violent crimes are insufficient, vote to get them changed. Make a stink on a website or in the newspapers. One man with a gun won't make anything better and, one day, the gun might just kill the wrong person.

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