someone dropped a tub of baby ducks on my porch - please help me


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Stanton, KY
For some reason that I have not been able to figure out, someone dropped a tub of 20 ducklings on my porch today. They appear to be wild ducks and very newly hatched. I don't know why some person did this, other than the fact that we keep chickens and often take in rescue chicks so they thought maybe I could take in ducklings too? I dunno. All I know is I have never raised a duck. I also do not want anything bad to happen to the ducklings so am trying my best right now.

I did a quick read through the sticky topics on duckling care and this is what I have right now for them.

Brooder box at 90ish, with pine shavings, water with ACV availible - only about half of the ducklings appear to be drinking so I have not offered food yet. From what I read they must find the water first...right?

As far as feed I only have two things on hand...20% medicated chick starter and 20% layer, from what I read the starter even though medicated would be better than the layer...correct?

Lastly, I do know someone who can take the ducks, they have ducks already and a much larger farm with a pond. Problem is non of his hens or ducks are sitting or broody and he doesn't want them until they can be out on their own.

When/how long should I keep the ducks for before sending them over to him? Is it until they have their feathers? or what?

I would really be thankful for any advice or help you could give me while I am reading up as quickly as I can on duck care. I would like to keep the little guys alive and healthy until they can be re-homed.
wow, you sure have been left holding the bag haven't you?

Okay, the water have you shown each one to drink? you will likely have too. They don't always find on their own just like with new chicks you show, mama would.

Out of those two, yes starter would be better.. layer has excessive amounts of calcium which would be toxic. Medicated isn't the best, but i believe it depends on what it's medicated with. Any, chance of grabbing an all flock or duck starter??

There is info in the duckling sticky on niacin, as ducklings have differing needs and chick starters(unless broiler) will need supplementation.

Link i am referring to, although i believe you read this?

Out on their own? that'll be awhile.. at least 8-10wks even then he'd have to be careful at introducing them, my 12wk olds are with the flock, but they still chase mama about sometimes lol the boys anyways, the duck is quite independent, point is they were raised here from the get-go, big difference.

Good luck!
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If these ducklings are a non-domestic species, Central KY Wildlife Rehab may be willing to take these ducklings off your hands. 859-983-4430

Good luck!
Thanks so much! I called my feed store, they do not have duck starter but they do have 18% All Flock which I was going to be getting for my chickens anyway so my guess is that would be better then what I have now?

Yup, just went in and showed them that water again and they appear to be drinking better now.

Thanks for the link, will read up on that.

Figured about 10-12 weeks, luckily we have the space for that long but will still have to do some more reading.
Oh also! Will chick grit work for when they are ready for treats?

Thanks for the number for the rescue I still am not sure what type of ducks they are and honestly I don't mind keep them if I know I have a home for them too go too, I just don't want to kill them with improper care.
It sounds like you have plenty of experience with chicks, in which case you'll do just fine with ducklings. Ducklings are sturdier than chicks and the biggest differences health-wise are their dietary quirks and their love of water. You'll just want to try to find out whether or not these are domesticated ducklings and, if not, should get them to a wildlife rehabilitation center.

In the case that they are a domestic breed - both layer and medicated feed not formulated for waterfowl can be dangerous for ducklings, but 18% is a decent protein level for them so as long as it's not medicated, that All Flock should work well with added niacin. Just make sure they always have access to water or they can have difficulty swallowing dry food.

You're right on with the brood temperature and with the shavings I'd just keep a watch to make sure they don't think it's a fun idea to eat them. Ducklings do have larger beaks than chicks and a fondness for putting all kinds of things in it.

The biggest surprise for me when I first reared waterfowl was how insanely messy they were compared to chicks and ducklings are the messiest of them all. They can very quickly trash a brooder with their water games so depending on the size of your brooder, you may want to incorporate some kind of catch tray for the water and be prepared to clean the area very often.

Best of luck with the little ones!
Oh also! Will chick grit work for when they are ready for treats?

Absolutely - chick grit works just fine for ducklings. I've never personally had an issue with it, but have heard some cases of ducklings eating grit in excess when it's offered in a separate dish so you may want to want to watch them when you first introduce it to make sure none of them are gorging on it and if they do you can just sprinkle some on their food instead.

They may need it before you begin offering treats depending on what the feed you're giving them is like. I'm not sure whether or not the All Flock is a starter - if it's an adult mash or pellet you may need to grind it up a bit for them initially.
The All Flock is a crumble and for the niacin I was going to use brewers yeast in the feed. Or are vitamins in the water better?
Yea am noticing the eating of the shavings...or at least they are trying too. I only had chicken waters on hand but am realizing they are measure with their water then chicks are...which I did not think was possible.
What does the tag say? usually all flock/flock raisers etc have enough to maintain ducks with out additions. I don't add things to the water, as for the shavings, well possible ducks do truffle through so can appear to be that said if your concerned, cover with paper towels for a few days. I use chick waterers but they love water so it goes fast, plus you'll need a trough to catch it all or they soak the place.
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