Somethings afoot

lori stetson

7 Years
Dec 27, 2012
Bedford, VA
HELP! One of my 8 week old sebastapols came up gimpy on Saturday. By yesterday it did not want to put any weight on the affected foot. Upon examination it looked normal from the top but the middle joint on the underside of the middle toe had what appeared to be a penny sized raised callous on it with a hard somewhat fibrous crust. I thought that maybe a thorn or bit of wire or something had become imbedded and festered but after peeling off the thick covering it looks more like some type of growth. I packed the area with antibiotic and my baby seemed more comfortable when released. Today its hardly lame at all. Figure I'll treat again tomorrow. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what this is and how I should treat it? I'm having trouble downloading pictures of it on my phone but will keep trying. Thanks, all.

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