South Carolina

Get some VetRx!! Put 1 drop on each nostril and rub it in. Then put 2-3 drops down there mouth. Then around 5 drops in there water. If it gets real bad give them 1 shot of Tylan 50. 1cc. And follow up with the VetRx. Within 2-3 days they will be back to normal.
Thank you! Where can I buy the vetrx & tylan?
Boy! am I in Trouble!

as you might remember, several weeks ago, I bought a new BIGGER incubator.

of course I had to test it out, so I put in a few eggs.

today we hatched the first batch of 9 turkey poults to add to the 6 d'anvers. with another 36 chickens and turkeys, followed by another 30+ turkeys in 4 weeks.

Best hatch rate ever!

PLEASE tell me there is a chicken swap comming up soon, or that someone here is dying to have turkeys and Mille Fleur D'anvers

Keep this post as evidence in case I die in my sleep mysteriously

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So Robert what did you buy? What kind of hatch rate is that? So that is 51 babies right now with lots more to come? That ia impressive!! I guess we will see you at Chickenstock in May???
Boy! am I in Trouble!

as you might remember, several weeks ago, I bought a new BIGGER incubator.

of course I had to test it out, so I put in a few eggs.

today we hatched the first batch of 9 turkey poults to add to the 6 d'anvers. with another 36 chickens and turkeys, followed by another 30+ turkeys in 4 weeks.

Best hatch rate ever!

PLEASE tell me there is a chicken swap comming up soon, or that someone here is dying to have turkeys and Mille Fleur D'anvers

Keep this post as evidence in case I die in my sleep mysteriously

I just thought I'd share a pic of my new assistant (I have a web design business).

This is Prima Donna, or just Donna, our slate blue x bronze turkey cross poult. She was the only one of three that hatched that has survived. The other two both had severe leg spraddle and though we tried everything (band aids, vet wrap, etc), nothing worked and we had to put them out of their misery.

Anyway, Donna has become quite the spoiled little poult and follows me everywhere. If I'm more than 2' away she starts peeping until she finds me. Needless to say, she will never be dinner!
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