South Carolina

Hey Steven, I don't have that many, just started earlier this year. I have a couple of sultans, blue andulasions, barred rocks, dominiques, golden campines, buff bramas, some mixed, red stars, rhode island red, cuckoo marans, golden laced wyandottes, blue laced wyandottes, columbian wyandotte, easter eggers, .....well more than I thought I reckon! They sure are addicting!
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Hey Steven, I don't have that many, just started earlier this year. I have a couple of sultans, blue andulasions, barred rocks, dominiques, golden campines, buff bramas, some mixed, red stars, rhode island red, cuckoo marans, golden laced wyandottes, blue laced wyandottes, columbian wyandotte, easter eggers, .....well more than I thought I reckon! They sure are addicting!
It sounds like you have a lot.
Hello Ya'll! Just found this thread, nothing else to do in this weather but surf the old interwebs. Looks like I'm surrounded by chicken owners.

I'll be glad when the rain is gone, my chickens are threatening to go on strike. My new girls have been molting and should start laying anyday now according to the circled date on the calendar, and the "old ladies" are extremely grumpy and not at all happy with being cooped up.
My 10 year old daughter is a competitive swimmer and said she was going to teach the chickens the backstroke, I told her she might have better luck with the breaststroke!

Ya'll try to stay safe and dry out there!
I have been making the rounds checking on all my birds today. Poor babies. They are not thrilled with the weather. However, there is no way to bring 700 birds in my house! Although the 50 plus ducks are liking it okay. Only the Muscovy are hiding in their coops. The Pekins and the Runners are dabbling all over the farm! The peafowl are ticked off and I have one hen limping. Not sure if she slipped on the roost and hurt herself or what. No swelling or wounds found.
The free range chickens and turkeys are doing good but look black with all the wet feathers. Half are still in molt so not much rain resistance there. The poor Guineas are definitely soaked as are the 17 three week old keets running with them.
Mostly I just worry about my Frizzles, as they have absolutely no way to avoid a bad hair day!

You aren't likely to find that breed. It is rare because of it's low laying ability. I have heard of some people in SC having them in the past but they did not stay long. You may find it with a show breeder so check the club's breed directory.
You aren't likely to find that breed. It is rare because of it's low laying ability. I have heard of some people in SC having them in the past but they did not stay long. You may find it with a show breeder so check the club's breed directory.
Ancona not Araucana. I have rumples Araucanas.
Ancona lays a lot of eggs it lays more than most breeds. It is an old breed that has not changed in 100 years. Here is a link telling about them.

Thank You for helping,

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