South Carolina

Just 'hatched'!

I know there is a special forum for intros, but when I visited it all I saw were general topics, no introduction posts. So when I saw this thread I thought it would a better place to do it.

My name is Chris, I live in Blackstock (about 35 miles due north of Columbia). I wasn't born here, but moved from 'El Lay' California (misspelling intentional). Yeah. I'm a 'transplant' (P.C. for 'Dang' Yankee, I believe). I was led to this group by a friend when she learned I was interested in getting some chickens to start a new flock. Alas, I don't know her user name; that's my other reason for posting here perhaps she'll recognize me and do a shout out.

I had chickens when I lived in El Lay (Also ducks and geese), but had to leave them behind. I didn't really know much about raising them, and to tell you the truth I'm still pretty much a newbie despite my 13 years of experience, so I'm hoping to learn here. Currently I have 4 chickens: three Australorps; 2 hens and 1 rooster who is proving to be somewhat of a bully, and 1 much more docile (although flighty) black rooster that I think may be either a black Australorp or maybe a Jersey Giant (he was supposed to be a hen

I am looking to get some Easter Eggers and hopefully a Cuckoo Marans. Currently I am expanding my coop from 4' x 4' to 4' x 8'. The run is already an estimated 250-300 SqFt. (6' chainlink with a 2x4 welded wire across the entire top).

P.S. is there a way to make the latest posts appear first on the list?
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Would anybody like to buy a full grown black silkie. I needed her just for being broody but I ended up buying more chicks. I will be selling her for 15$. Which is what I bought her for. I am selling her also because I feel like she is being picked on buy my other chickens who are bigger breeds. I only plan to sell her to people that already have some silkies so she can be with smaller birds. If anyone would like to purchase her just send me a private message. I live in Gaffney sc.
Looking for "neighbors." Anyone near Holly Hill? We still have to rectify our coop situation (needs work - may repurpose/rebuild) but would like to get to know some people closer, if possible. :) 
What part of south Carolina is that located. Upstate or closer to Georgia or Columbia
What kind of birds are you planning on raising?

*heads to pinterest to dig up the pins from a few months ago when I was researching*

So, the breeds I liked that could fare well down here (based on what I've read, only): Silkie (actually, that's always been on my list), Russian Orloff, Wyandotte, Welsummer, Brahma, Brabanter, Barred Rocks, and the Appenzeller.

Realistically, I'm leaning towards the Wyandotte, Welsummer, Brahma, and Barred Rocks. That's problematic since I really only want like 8 birds total...I will resist chicken math as long as possible.

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