South Carolina

Thanks for the information. I've decided not to get a Pyrenees at this time, especially not a puppy. My Eskimo spitz would teach him bad habits. Someone with free range chickens suggested that I weave twine across the top of my fenced-in garden where I want them to range. I may try that plus letting this rascally dog outside with a secure fence (bordered with bricks) between her and the hens. My friend said she sees hawks too, but they've never gotten one of her chickens. I just hate to keep these hens all cooped up! They have a secure covered run, but it's only ten feet long.

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Local to Prosperity, SC (Pick Up)
We hatched mixed Easter Eggers
7 avail $3.50 each or all for $21

What is a mixed easter egger??

Got one roo over several different purebreds so it's several different mixes

(Roo) = AmeraucanaXBrahmaXSeabright blend
(Hens) = 2 Partridge Plymouth Rock (Pure)
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte (Pure)
1 Ameraucana X RIR
1 Heritage Mahogany RIR (Pure)
That roo is going to another pen for some pullets that will be coming online for laying in the spring they need to get re acquainted.
We're partitioning off that pen so I can have several different Bantam pairs 1 will be bantam EE's

In the future if you check out this page

The little ChickenMama is always up to something
I know there is a thread for this, but I wanted to offer up a free BO rooster to anyone in the upstate region who might be interested and there's some background behind this.

My Wife and I got into chickens early in the year and it was a labor of love from the building of the coop and run, to the brooding of the chicks, but it all came to a halt when my Wife was diagnosed with cancer on October 21st.
Previous to this she had been looking after my elderly Mother who lives next door, while I work full time to barely keep a roof over our heads.
Since she started having problems with her back, I have been looking after Mom, looking after my Wife, working full time and I'm afraid chickens are taxing time I simply have run out of.
I'm not sure whether to let them all go just yet, but I do need to offload this fine looking, strapping young rooster who we named Major.
I would put him in the freezer, but I simply don't have time to do it, so I'm willing to give him away.
He became pretty rough on our three Buff Orpington hens, terrorizing them to the point that they didn't want to come out of the coop in the morning and I was afraid he was becoming a danger to the Silkies.
He might be fine with a bigger flock of ladies and whether you keep, or eat him is all the same to me.
He's a biggun, he's he's healthy as a horse and about 8 months old.


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