Wow you guys sure have a lot of birds!! I wish I could let my chicken addiction explode like that :lau
I have a separate bantam flock of 24, and the rest run together in my large shed, except for 2 old guys who are in the old folks wing. I don't think I have a lot of critters, and considering my numbers I don't spend as much on feeds as maybe you think? :)
I have a separate bantam flock of 24, and the rest run together in my large shed, except for 2 old guys who are in the old folks wing. I don't think I have a lot of critters, and considering my numbers I don't spend as much on feeds as maybe you think? :)

That’s awesome!! It seems like a lot to me! Lol I only have a cat and 7 chickens. The most I had was 8 (well, technically 9 but one died at 6 days old so I don’t really count that one though it was sad). My favorite BO got taken by a hawk a year and a half ago. With these 5 it will be up to 12 which seems like a lot to me. And of course I had Gator. But that’s it. I have had rabbits and parakeets before and fish, had some betas and goldfish, still have the current goldfish, almost forgot about them. I want goats, rabbits, quail, more chickens, ducks, another dog (or 5), another cat, gerbils, parakeets, cockatiels, guinea pigs, rats and/or mice, snake, reptile (bearded dragon, leopard gecko, or crested gecko), sheep, horses, etc. but that probably won’t happen. Well, maybe a couple of those. Working on it lol so I consider all you guys lucky :lau

And maybe! I am imagine a massive food bill lol do you grow some of your own food or something?

Good luck with the chicks! I feel like the odd one out, Anyone else from the Southern Hemisphere?

Thank you!! And @JaeG is from New Zealand too! And there are a couple members from Australia I think. There’s lots of members from all over the world here. :)
Nice! Do you have any now? Keep all the Australorps :lau :oops:

I have five hens now- most are getting up there in years. Two leghorns, one Brahma, one barred rock and one Australorp. My Australorp is an amazingly sweet hen, but she’s also very broody. If I were more patient, I’d get her some eggs to sit on next time she goes broody. But then I’d probably hatch more roosters and I don’t need a repeat of the Rooster Debacle of 2017.

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