Yeah, for me it’s just variety. Plus, when I first ordered chickens, I didn’t know what breeds I would like or which would work for me so I tried a bunch and discovered which breeds I liked and didn’t like. I think it is like that for a lot of people, especially people new to chickens like I was. I had researched for years before I got mine and narrowed it down to breeds I thought would be a good fit but you don’t really know until you actually try the breeds for yourself. So I did. And I love them all but there are a few I like less. My goal with the new additions was to add some color because a lot of my current chickens are solid colors. It was also to add some color to the egg basket and add some new layers since mine are starting to slow down and some good laying breeds cause we love eggs. Hence the white leghorn, meets the super layer requirement and the new egg color (white eggs). Doesn’t quite meet looks so hence the Sussex and partridge rock. Plus I discovered I love my Barred Rock so I wanted to get another Rock but wanted to try a new color. I love the looks of the partridge and have wanted one for a while anyway. I love the colored eggs of the Easter Egger as well as how fun it is to watch them grow up because of how varied feather pattern/color is so I added another Easter Egger. I personally just love a varied flock both in looks and egg colors and even personalities. I love seeing how different the different breeds act.
Thank you for sharing your thought with me. It has given me even more to ponder I fell in love with the Wyandottes and seem to keep going back to them but will try to keep an open mind. Lol
Thank you for sharing your thought with me. It has given me even more to ponder I fell in love with the Wyandottes and seem to keep going back to them but will try to keep an open mind. Lol

Well, sometimes you just find that one perfect breed for you or some people prefer to have the same breed or all one color and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all!! If you love Wyandotte’s, there is nothing wrong with that and don’t feel like you have to try other breeds just because others do :)
I'm expecting a shipment of chicks the end of the month. :wee
Sadly they aren't for me but I'll get to enjoy the fun of raising fuzzbutts and eggs when they start laying without having to buy all the supplies for them. :gig The few hens I had to give my mother when I moved were sadly taken by a fox the other day so she asked me to help her pick out some more. Sadly she didn't want any blue or green layers but it will still be a pretty flock.
We went with:
2 Blue Cochin (my cochin girl was a fave of hers so she wanted more)
2 Welsummer
2 SL Wyandotte
2 Light Brahma
2 White Leghorn

They are due to hatch and ship from Ideal on the 27th. Can't wait! They'll have a very protective rooster waiting for them when they are older. My RIR Roo survived the fox attack with some injuries. Between him and the new coop my parents are building these girls should be well protected. There may even be more chicks in the future when Chick Days start at TSC at the end of the month. Mom and I may 'accidentally' find ourselves in our local TSC and 'accidentally' end up bringing a few more home...:lau
I'm expecting a shipment of chicks the end of the month. :wee
Sadly they aren't for me but I'll get to enjoy the fun of raising fuzzbutts and eggs when they start laying without having to buy all the supplies for them. :gig The few hens I had to give my mother when I moved were sadly taken by a fox the other day so she asked me to help her pick out some more. Sadly she didn't want any blue or green layers but it will still be a pretty flock.
We went with:
2 Blue Cochin (my cochin girl was a fave of hers so she wanted more)
2 Welsummer
2 SL Wyandotte
2 Light Brahma
2 White Leghorn

They are due to hatch and ship from Ideal on the 27th. Can't wait! They'll have a very protective rooster waiting for them when they are older. My RIR Roo survived the fox attack with some injuries. Between him and the new coop my parents are building these girls should be well protected. There may even be more chicks in the future when Chick Days start at TSC at the end of the month. Mom and I may 'accidentally' find ourselves in our local TSC and 'accidentally' end up bringing a few more home...:lau

Sorry about the fox attack :( but that’s awesome about the new chicks and that the roo survived!! Those are nice breeds!!
I am getting 7 chicks at the end of March. 4 clarets and 3 ginn grey toppy. I am hoping to get a good roo for my flock, and a few more game hens. I lost my last 4 game chicks from shipped eggs. They just didn't flourish, and my favorite, a spangled butcher stag , was taken by a red tail on Christmas. I currently have 15 sapphire gems, 1 light brahma, 2 leiper hens, and a lame lavender guinea boy named Poppy.
Anyone getting spring chicks this year!? I placed my order about a week and a half ago and I am impatiently waiting! Lol I am getting 5 chicks from Meyer Hatchery with a hatch date of April 29th and I am so excited!!! We already have 7 chickens from Meyer Hatchery and I love them. They just turned 3 in October. I am excited to meet the new little babies. April can’t come soon enough! Lol

We currently have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers.

The new chicks are one each of Speckled Sussex, Delaware, Easter Egger, White Leghorn, and Partridge Rock.

Sooo excited. :D

Anyone else getting chicks this spring!?
Anyone getting spring chicks this year!? I placed my order about a week and a half ago and I am impatiently waiting! Lol I am getting 5 chicks from Meyer Hatchery with a hatch date of April 29th and I am so excited!!! We already have 7 chickens from Meyer Hatchery and I love them. They just turned 3 in October. I am excited to meet the new little babies. April can’t come soon enough! Lol

We currently have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers.

The new chicks are one each of Speckled Sussex, Delaware, Easter Egger, White Leghorn, and Partridge Rock.

Sooo excited. :D

Anyone else getting chicks this spring!?
I am getting new chicks this spring. But I am hesitant to order them. Last spring I ordered bantam chickens. First order of 10 they sent me 12 and all died. I called the hatchery and they were apologetic and sent a new batch, out of those 12, only 3 survived. I think they go too long without food and water when they are shipped to you. We have a little country post office with limited hours, so guess they sat too long in their box. We are less than 100 miles from the hatchery, in Lebanon, Mo. so we will make a trip to the hatchery this spring and pick them up. I plan to get 6 brown leghorns, 6 red lace wyandottes, and I want ducks too, if I can be reasonably sure they are female. I have brown leghorns, buff orpingtons, black sex-links and silver lace wyandottes now. I have about 30 chickens and roosters right now. Too many roosters so they are free to good homes. Can't wait for the new ones.
Wish I had room for ducks and geese. In our new place we don't. My favorite goose breed is the American Buff. They are pretty and are excellent setters and mothers. The Chinese are pretty and graceful, but I don't like the breed because they are mean, especially to other birds if you have a mixed flock.

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