Cochins and brahmas are extremely slow growing. For males to completely mature can take up to 3 years. By one year they have usually finished growing in bone structure but have to fill out yet.

Here are some of my younger ones from this fall. They may look different because they come from my, and some friends show and breeding stock
View attachment 1669324 a pullet 6-7 months old

View attachment 1669325 a cockerel 6-7 months old

View attachment 1669326
A cockerel around 8 months old
Hello Gorgeous!!!:eek:
To the person who likes my name- Gimmie birdies, I like it too, I think my name would be "let there be birds" if not Gimmie.

To the person who asked if my hen who lays the green ugly spotted egg is a good layer, yes, she is, I get an ugly green spotted egg every day. The hen herself is pretty blue/gray.View attachment 1669373
I like this egg...I don't think its ugly. It has character :D
I am a new chicken mama with 8 chicks arriving sometime around 3/25. My 4yr old and I had a hard time selecting but settled on the following... I wanted 6 but chicken math took over and we are going with 8.. 8 is our city ordinance limit based on our lot size.. :(

My daughter already preemptively named them all already.
Im still not sure if my husband realizes they are coming..

White/Black Polish- White Egg (Pierogi)

Jersey Giant- Brown Egg (Dixie)

Oliver Egger- Green (Luna)

Austra White- Cream Colored egg (Chickaletta)

Super Blue Egg Layer -Blue (Skye)

Blue Easter Egger- Blue (Myrtle)

Buff Orphington- Brown Egg (Buttercup)

Welsummer- Cocolate Brown Egg (Buckeye)
I am a new chicken mama with 8 chicks arriving sometime around 3/25. My 4yr old and I had a hard time selecting but settled on the following... I wanted 6 but chicken math took over and we are going with 8.. 8 is our city ordinance limit based on our lot size.. :(

My daughter already preemptively named them all already.
Im still not sure if my husband realizes they are coming..

White/Black Polish- White Egg (Pierogi)

Jersey Giant- Brown Egg (Dixie)

Oliver Egger- Green (Luna)

Austra White- Cream Colored egg (Chickaletta)

Super Blue Egg Layer -Blue (Skye)

Blue Easter Egger- Blue (Myrtle)

Buff Orphington- Brown Egg (Buttercup)

Welsummer- Chocolate Brown Egg (Buckeye)
I love this “I’m still not sure my husband realizes they’re coming”
Got my 8 chicks from Ideal Poultry today. 1 was DOA, 2 were almost gone and passed within 2 hours, 2 more i'm not sure about, but I'm trying. I may end up with 3 out of 8. I guess I'll be calling Ideal tomorrow. It sucks, but it happens.
This looks like a good place to ask something I’ve wondered about.
Is there a reason, or benefit I guess, to getting a variety rather than just one breed of chickens? This question is mostly aimed at people who can only have a limited number of chickens ... say less than 10.
I like having a variety especially when I first got chickens. I got to know what I liked and didnt like this way for future chickens. Also, I also like to be able to name my chickens and tell them apart. I keep them as pets and egg producers and just a hobby so this would be vastly different for someone who actually farms. Plus a colorful and diverse flock is so beautiful to look at...and i DO look at them for sometimes hours.:love Plus having a colorful egg basket it cool. And it opens up alot of conversations with people who have no idea about chickens or eggs or where their food comes from. Im amazed at how many people do not give one thought to where and/or how their food comes to the table. Anyway....I like to share what I've learned by raising chickens, who doesn't like to talk about chickens :rolleyes:

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