"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Yes they are, I will thanks.

Don't you use buttermilk to make the Waffles?

That would be rather unexpected.
Thanks it will be fun.
Buttermilk waffles are delicious. I think I'll name all my ducks after breakfast foods
biscuits, gravy, waffles, buttermilk..........
Chocolate, Bunny & Coffee all from the EHAL. Not nearly the pic quality of Bubbles or Sally :lau
LOL. :lau They are adorable though! :love
DUCKIEESSS!!!! :love
I'm heading to an alternative animal sale today. Anyone in the market for a wallaby or Zebra? Perhaps a Russian Hog? Everyone have a great day! :frow Talk to you later Sally! :hugs
I just want a mini donkey.... No zebras, they are fearfully agressive. :oops: :lau -Banti
BEEN so busy with this orphan colt I am behind on posts already. Really behind on caring for the chicks I have hatched. Their all alive and well from the Easter hatch.
I have one group of eggs I forgot to date. Guess what they are hatching this morning. Little RRs are the first to hatch. Their in there rocking back and forth in the turner. Well I stopped it now.
Humidity was only 28 %
I am so brain dead these hours feeding the foal got me very tired. He is 6 days old now. he had a tough day yesterday but seems better this morning. Want to eat again.
My turkeys should hatch soon. They sat the 5 th and 6th...March.
Any way My April hatch is up and hatching.
Happy Hatching
Well, a bunch of my duck eggs quit but a few are going strong, and I'll know about about the chicks on Monday. Today my turkey hen disappeared, and I finally found the nest she's been hiding with her in it :D so now I'll have some of everything! Good luck with your hatches and your waffles respectively.

They are adorable though!


I just want a mini donkey.... No zebras, they are fearfully agressive.

Bacon and Eggs are so cute!

I have always wanted a zebra but I have always been told they are aggressive... that would be terrible. I want a friendly zebra.

I woke up to 11 peepers this morning and 2 on the way.
Of my 11:
1 has one eye shut, I will follow the advise previously given. I think it is just stick shut with gunk, I hope.
1 has not completely absorbed the yoke sack but it isn't really bad. They are drinking so that is good.
9 are happy and healthy like chicks

I have 2 more on the way with their noses out and rooting around. 2 I wrote the dreaded "D" on at 18 days so I don't think they are going anywhere. And 2 that I think wanted to hatch, tried to pip and just don't have the gusto. I am just waiting with them in there though.

Photos to come. We have storms here this morning and the internet and phones just don't seem to be cooperating.... Uhhh!
Hey there! I'm Lona I live in Texas. And this is my first attempt at hatching! I got some local mixed eggs. The people don't know what there chickens are "umm red hen and a black rooster". I set them on March 23rd. Due to hatch April 13.candles last night 10/10 moving in every egg. I'm so eggcited. Then I have ordered some eggs to arrive the week of April 25th. I hope to have chick's over running the coop.
I'm heading to an alternative animal sale today. Anyone in the market for a wallaby or Zebra? Perhaps a Russian Hog? Everyone have a great day! :frow Talk to you later Sally! :hugs
Wow sounds like a fun sale to see!
I'll take a zebra!!! I have always wanted to do dressage on a zebra!!
lol that would be too cool!
Hey there! I'm Lona I live in Texas. And this is my first attempt at hatching! I got some local mixed eggs. The people don't know what there chickens are "umm red hen and a black rooster". I set them on March 23rd. Due to hatch April 13.candles last night 10/10 moving in every egg. I'm so eggcited. Then I have ordered some eggs to arrive the week of April 25th. I hope to have chick's over running the coop.
:frow welcome! Sounds like you will have some fun surprises in your hatch
What kinds of eggs did you order?

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