Sprouting? Help...

I have been feeding my flock Scratch and Peck 18% layer mixed with coconut oil twice a week. They get standard layer crumbles as an 'all the time' feed. I discovered quite by mistake that the grain scratch that SandP sell sprouts very willingly outside under a planter tray that has drainage hole in it. I accidentally left some under the tray that was then getting watered by me when I filled the hens water founts. Anyway the hens loved the sprouts.
As to where to get the feed, I just discovered Azure.com. Awesome resource! Unfortunately they do not carry the scratch, I am hoping to change that.
I have been feeding my flock Scratch and Peck 18% layer mixed with coconut oil twice a week. They get standard layer crumbles as an 'all the time' feed. I discovered quite by mistake that the grain scratch that SandP sell sprouts very willingly outside under a planter tray that has drainage hole in it. I accidentally left some under the tray that was then getting watered by me when I filled the hens water founts. Anyway the hens loved the sprouts.
As to where to get the feed, I just discovered Azure.com. Awesome resource! Unfortunately they do not carry the scratch, I am hoping to change that.
I don't know if it autocorrected but your website doesn't work for me.
Do you feel like it sprouts better? I see it on amazon and several others.

What I like is that you can sprout 3 different kinds and all you do is pour water in the top tray. It runs down threw all 3 trays to the bottom.
I’ve done the mason jar for many years, but this is much faster and no bugs can get in,no shaking it.

You can sprout in your big plastic trays if you want or , my kitchen counter is already full of kefir milk and kefir water fermenting, this is a nice easy solution for me.

Also the one that’s getting moldy I’d say it’s just getting left to long, by 4 days my hens have eaten mine .
I buy a feed that advertises as being good for sprouting (it’s called scratch and Peck) .. I’m wanting to give it a try, but I’m so ignorant... I have no idea how to actually rinse and water and all that. I’m hoping to find some tutorials on YouTube

Don't over think it. Just do it. soak the seeds for a few hours in room temp water. Rinse, drain, put them in your sprouting container, and rinse and drain several times/day. standing water is the enemy of sprouting after the initial soak. Just do a small batch at first. What have you got to loose?

Does the Scratch & Peck have cracked corn in it? If it does, I think that might encourage mold, b/c that would only soak up water but not sprout.

I usually sprout in mason jars with the commercially available sprouting lids. I just find this method to be quite easy. I'm sprouting for up to 25 birds in the winter. I like that the mason jars take up so little real estate on my kitchen counters. But last winter, I had up to 7 jars going at a time, so bought a dish pan with a dish strainer that fits inside it at the dollar store. That holds 5 jars, which can be carried from kitchen to a plant table in my living room. I picked up a multi tier sprouter at the recycle station at my town dump. I usually use that for my own sprouts.
LG, I love what a recycler/upcycler you are!!
With regards to the Scratch and Peck scratch, they offer a corn free/soy free scratch which is the one I inadvertently sprouted but it is hard to find as people seem to prefer the one with the corn in it. I find the one with corn is too hot for my chickens in summer but in winter it's good but you are right about it not being that good for sprouting, can't sprout a cracked grain!

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