Sprouting? Help...

The mat forms from the seed roots knitting together in the tray (I soak then spread seeds 1/4" to 3/8" thick for sprouting. My trays have small holes in them for draining excess water away. It takes about 3 days before the seeds are growing then two more days to get up ready for feeding. I use 2 bulb grow lights 4 fee long for light once the seeds have sprouted so they get light for 72 hours before they are fed to the chickens. I also set up so the four trays are started one at a time, one series of trays feeds four days, each tray gets ready right when it goes to the chickens. The seed has millet, sorghum, sunflower and amaranth, comes from either our feed store or Walmart if the feed store is out.
The mat forms from the seed roots knitting together in the tray (I soak then spread seeds 1/4" to 3/8" thick for sprouting. My trays have small holes in them for draining excess water away. It takes about 3 days before the seeds are growing then two more days to get up ready for feeding. I use 2 bulb grow lights 4 fee long for light once the seeds have sprouted so they get light for 72 hours before they are fed to the chickens. I also set up so the four trays are started one at a time, one series of trays feeds four days, each tray gets ready right when it goes to the chickens. The seed has millet, sorghum, sunflower and amaranth, comes from either our feed store or Walmart if the feed store is out.
I like the idea of sprouting wild bird seed, perhaps its cheaper than sprouting scratch grains? I am going to try this as I have a whole tote full of bird seed :D Thanks for the info.
I just have better luck with the wild bird seeds than scratch grains. Costs is about the same for me since the WBS sprouts very reliably for me. I soak for 3-5 hours then pour the seeds into the tray, let it drain and set it in a dark spot with plenty of ventilation for 24 hours, then I inspect the tray and if the seeds are sprouting I put them under the light fixture. I mist the seeds 3 times a day or use the flood tray the seed trays sit in.
Don't over think it. Just do it. soak the seeds for a few hours in room temp water. Rinse, drain, put them in your sprouting container, and rinse and drain several times/day. standing water is the enemy of sprouting after the initial soak. Just do a small batch at first. What have you got to loose?

Does the Scratch & Peck have cracked corn in it? If it does, I think that might encourage mold, b/c that would only soak up water but not sprout.

I usually sprout in mason jars with the commercially available sprouting lids. I just find this method to be quite easy. I'm sprouting for up to 25 birds in the winter. I like that the mason jars take up so little real estate on my kitchen counters. But last winter, I had up to 7 jars going at a time, so bought a dish pan with a dish strainer that fits inside it at the dollar store. That holds 5 jars, which can be carried from kitchen to a plant table in my living room. I picked up a multi tier sprouter at the recycle station at my town dump. I usually use that for my own sprouts.
The feed I buy from Scratch and Peck is Corn and Soy free and is all whole grain. I’ll have to see if I can get sprouting lids off Amazon. I watched a tutorial that made it look really easy! I have plenty of old mason jars laying around!
And, with the cracked corn in the mix, how does the cracked corn come out? Any increased issues with rot or mold? I often wonder if the cracked corn would just ferment a bit when going through the 3 - 5 day soak/drain period.

When I want to kick start my fermented feed, I sometimes add a bit of scratch grain. I think the grain is already naturally inoculated with beneficial bacteria and yeasts for good fermenting.

I may have to try this this fall. I have most of a bag of BOSS, and about 10# of barley left from last year, but if I didn't have to shell out the ~$25 for an other bag of barley or wheat, that would be great.
did you ever know a lady up in your area who had Golden Salmon Marans? Thanks,
I have no idea! I haven't ever heard of a Golden Salmon Marans, they sound beautiful. Are they dark egg layers?
You weren't just whistling Dixie when you said it was expensive. I buy my scratch for about $7 for a 50lbs bag. Other than the cracked corn, it's all seeds that will sprout.
Yes, the Scratch and Peck feeds are expensive. It is possible to buy the 40lb bag for the same price approx as the 25lb. which is what I do and I use it as a supplement to my regular crumble feed. I wish my local store would keep the whole grain scratch in stock so I could sprout it but I am going to try the bird seed.

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