Star Wars!


Dec 23, 2020
Okay, so I have officially become a Star Wars fan. I have now watched all of the movies, from one to nine, as well as Solo. But I haven’t watched Rogue One yet, as I got sucked in by The Mandalorian. I’ve only watched four episodes of The Mandalorian so far, but that was in a week. What is your favorite movie, and why? Favorite character?
Okay, so I have officially become a Star Wars fan. I have now watched all of the movies, from one to nine, as well as Solo. But I haven’t watched Rogue One yet, as I got sucked in by The Mandalorian. I’ve only watched four episodes of The Mandalorian so far, but that was in a week. What is your favorite movie, and why? Favorite character?
I would say Rouge One is my favorite movie, don't skip it! *spoiler alert: the blind guy is awesome* Just as my mom told me, there is a surprise at the end of the Mandolorian series, no one tell her!! My favorite character by far is General Grevous, but unfortunately he died :(. I also like the battle on Naboo and the Droidekas. My cousin likes the stormtrooper that fought Fin, but i forgot what type of stormtrooper it is, but anyway i am a star wars buff. I like telling my mom things and her being super confused about it until i explain it. :lol:

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