Starting incubation of button quail 1/20

Some people will argue the candling thing but I feel the same way about human baby ultra sounds...they are good if you are concerned but if everything is normal with the parents then why do these tests? do we "need" to know the sex of the unborn? If there is not the "development" showing in the egg should we toss them or give them a chance? I vote for just let them go and whatever happens, happens. Just my two cents.
Same here so good luck to you!

Btw We went to get more chicken food and found out they just got a shipment of 2 day old silkies. Other half says you wanna get one? I'm thinking YES! But at the same time it's like no, that's twice the work, we'll need a bigger house for them blah blah. We only have Pheobie our indoor buff silkie pet. After looking into the brooder and seeing how cute they were I gave in and said ok. So here's our un named white 2 day old silkie. He has red on his head, they said that's how they separated the whites from the crowd.


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