Still needing advice. Please read!

SO EXCITED! I went in there and started whistling at it thru the little hole in the incubator and it wobbled a little. YEAH!!!!!!! Oh Im so excited.
Goose they will go through long periods of where you think nothing is happening, but they are doing things inside the shell, like absorbing the yolk and blood from the vessels. Both take a long time and be complete before they will hatch successfully. Resting is very normal with long periods of no change to you. Hatchings tiring business for them.

Goslings also don't hatch out, stand up and run around like crazy as a chicken would. They take longer to rest after hatching and to get their legs under them. It is important to let them have this time to rest and become use to being out of the shell.
Goose they will go through long periods of where you think nothing is happening, but they are doing things inside the shell, like absorbing the yolk and blood from the vessels. Both take a long time and be complete before they will hatch successfully. Resting is very normal with long periods of no change to you. Hatchings tiring business for them.
Goslings also don't hatch out, stand up and run around like crazy as a chicken would. They take longer to rest after hatching and to get their legs under them. It is important to let them have this time to rest and become use to being out of the shell.

Ok. When it comes out.. is it ok that my bowl of water is in there. Its overflowing with water right now. Will it hurt it if he bumbs into it and gets wet? I have it in there to raise humidity which its still at 72%. Cant get it higher. And I can't add anymore water unless I open the incubator.. so Im not adding water.
I check every hour and don't see the egg moving at all... is there usually a day or two of resting after in internally pips?

Still nothing. Been talking to it and and the eggs not moving at all. Hardly any movement all day. Is that normal? Im starting to get nervous again. I want to candle it.. Im not.. I just wish I knew if it was ok.:-(
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Don't open the bator. Hatching is a three day process when they start on average. We have 12 in lockdown. 5 have internally and externally pipped. The others are getting to internally pipping.
Even my broody geese are taking their good ole time hatching out the goslings. I have one female that hatched yesterday or early this morning and the others don't appear to have pipped. I keep checking on the nest and all that has hatched is the one female. I hope they hatch soon I'm getting worried about the food and water for the one that has hatched.
Ok. I hope he hatches soon and I hope he is healthy. Thanks. Ill let you know if anything changes.
Don't open the bator. Hatching is a three day process when they start on average. We have 12 in lockdown. 5 have internally and externally pipped. The others are getting to internally pipping.

HES SINGING BACK TO ME!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! I DID IT!!!!! SOON HE WILL HATCH! I will take picts for you!! OH WOW!!!!! HA!!!!

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