Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

KJRH: 918-743-2222
KOTV: 918-583-1502
KTUL: 918-445-8888
FOX23/ KOKI: 918-491-0023

RoPo - Are these TV Stations or Radio Stations? Are these local in the area of Tahlequah?

I think we should let them know what's going on with this case so there can be some competion in getting this story out.
No, I hadn't posted because I was concerned they may be overwhelmed with all of our comments. I am able to see the comments.

Apparently we hit a nerve. Somebody left a comment on the new article about us "freaks" from wherever we are. I would suggest not responding to him. He has a skewed view of our responses and snapping back at him will not help ropo's case. Just let it go.

Of course the DA could focus on all of those other things he mentions if they had gotten the case decided already instead of dragging it through the mud.

I am concerned about something mentioned in the new article, though. Trammels says the horse was "too crippled to ride" when he got it. Ropo, was there anything wrong with your horse prior to the lease?

To late. I responded to him. I left a comment yesterday and one today because of him. . I'm hoping one of them gets in. Here's a little of what I wrote today.

To all you people who are giving a negative response, if this were your horse you’d want it back. Instead of being negative why don’t you all help this girl. Do something good for a change instead of complaining.

Your wrong to think that these replies are coming from the same couple of people. We are a group of animal lovers and have known about this story since last year. We are from all over the U.S.A. and if you forgot I still think we have freedom of speech. I personally am from Pennsylvania.

If you want it to stop, when help her. Get off your butts and do something for her. It's a violent state you live in but I can understand why, nothing gets done in you court system there.

One more thing, Carl you may want to think about moving out of that state. Looks like it's a very violent state you live in. Maybe if you move out the kids being molested, rapes, people being murdered, etc,etc would stop.

They cut out the bold
This is from the editor of the newpaper


EDITOR'S NOTE: Because most posters to this ongoing news story appear to be unfamiliar with media law, an explanation is warranted. Freedom of the press applies to the press itself, not to people who post comments on its website, anonymously or otherwise. Because this website is operated by a newspaper, we are bound by certain laws, so we cannot post material that contains potentially libelous or defamatory comments. Calling someone specific a 'crook,' without concrete proof, is an example of that. (Conversely, the website to which many posters refer is not bound by such laws.) The majority of comments received on this story contain legally problematic material, and some even contain threats against this newspaper or other members of our community (which in itself makes a statement about character). Most of these come from the same IP address, and such threats and their sources will be duly reported to authorities. It should be kept in mind that ours is a COMMUNITY newspaper, with a staff of only five, and that the comment section of the website is primarily geared toward our regular readers and members of our community, rather than people concerned only with one single case of the thousands ongoing here at any given moment. We are sorry that we have neither the manpower nor the time to sift through hundreds of legally questionable comments.
Apparently my recommendation that she should maybe contact the ACLU was viewed as a threat. Okay I can see that, but it's not legally a problem.

I'm sorry, I'm not saying everything said by every commenter was 100% okay, but it sure is hard to tell when they aren't posted. There is 0% chance I believe anything coming from the Editor at this point. They are part of the problems going on there as they continue trying to paint the victim as the criminal vs their buddies.
Submitted by not published:

Bravo TRAVINA COLEMAN for writing
"Embezzlement case involving horse drags on"

At least SOMEONE other than Mikeala Rodriguez the owner this horse was embezzled from can see this case has dragged on far too long. The horse should be returned to it's rightful owner.

It's a pity the grandfather said he "isn't inclined to take the horse back". Obviously L(name removed) T(name removed) isn't teaching his grandson right from wrong and thinks it's okay to keep embezzled goods. Perfect time to teach the child a life lesson between right and wrong and end the bleeding heart angle. What if the horse was instead the Mayor's, the DA's or the Judge's embezzled car?

Would it still be okay to keep embezzled goods because it was given to a seven year old? Not bloody likely. The car would have long been back in the rightful owners driveway.

“Sonny Dee Light” should be returned to Mikeala Rodriguez. If L(name removed) T(name removed) feels he needs to be reimbursed for his embezzled goods let him sue R(name removed). If he ever recovers anything he can then buy a horse that WAS NOT EMBEZZLED for the seven year old grandson.

Assistant District Attorney B.J. Baker, if the hearing was heard a couple of times as you state below, where are the transcripts to these hearings? “The ownership hearing has been heard a couple of times,” Baker said. “So basically, we have to redo both the preliminary and ownership hearing.”


Someone is not doing their job, a horse and the person it was embezzled from should not be burdened with the ineptness of this court system.

The horse should have been immediately removed to a third party not involved in this case until it was returned to the rightful owner.

Carl, if your court system was doing it's job it WOULD have time to deal with the "kids being molested, rapes, people being murdered, etc,etc,"

If the court can't sort a simple thing as returning embezzled goods aka as a horse to the owner after what, nearly a year? something is very wrong in Tahlequa and you are targeting the wrong people.

BTW, why not publish comments from readers with differing opinions or freaks as you call us? Is it better to hide the truth? Apparently this IS how it plays in OK...

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