Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

I received an email from the paper asking me to verify my email address, looks like a lot of others did also.

Kim Poindexter [[email protected]]

Hello. I have been asked to e-mail you to determine if your e-mail address is valid. A quick note of reply to indicate this is a working address is all I will need at this point. Thank you.

I wonder why they are doing this? Does anyone else have this in there email box?
I think they are trying to see how many comments came from REAL people. I didn't get an inquiry like this one, but I sent my comment on Apr 1 on the first story that was published Mar 31. No acknowledgment, and it wasn't posted. I used the BYC link, so I must be lumped in with the others. I'm tempted to email this person and tell her I'm real.
Here are the email address that where with mine.

Kim Poindexter; [email protected]; edited due to email address could be used by phishers and such. Sorry I just wanted to let those know who might have their email with mime
My post was published on the comments also.
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Thank you for the reminder, I didn't think about that because with this being BYC and I think of us as family but you are correct I shouldn't of posted them and have taken them off the post.
Hey - Just discovered that KJRH 2 News has a problem solvers:

RoJo - Have you asked them for help by completing their request form? Go do it.

Everyone - go ask that they help with this case as well.

RoPo - That was then, this is now. You have all of us behind you. Go complete their request so they can get ahold of you.

Everyone, please make a request to them as well. Thank you

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