
KITT Still Rocks!
Mar 20, 2023
Northern Virginia
Hi! This is my contest for any writers out there! Word limit - none.
Just post a story and i and @casportpony and @azurbanclucker (if they are available ofc) will judge it!

List the title if your story has one, and your prompt if you used one. Prize is tbd.
Contest ends September 16.


Past world/life/way of life
Promt: Poultry.
In the vast expanse of outer space, two adventurous chickens named Cluck and Feather found themselves on a journey beyond their wildest dreams. It all began when a curious spaceship, piloted by a friendly alien named Zog, accidentally beamed them up from their cozy barnyard on Earth.

Cluck and Feather were initially bewildered by their new surroundings. Floating weightlessly inside the spaceship, they clucked and flapped their wings in surprise. Zog, with its multi-colored scales and large, round eyes, spoke to them in a series of musical tones that the chickens somehow understood.

Realizing the chickens were far from home, Zog decided to take them on a tour of the universe. With a press of a button, the spaceship shot through the stars, past colorful nebulae and swirling galaxies. Cluck and Feather gazed out of the spaceship's window, their beaks agape in wonder.

As they traveled through space, the chickens encountered peculiar planets with landscapes beyond their imagination. On one planet, the surface was covered in bouncy, gelatinous blobs that the chickens found great fun to hop on. On another, the ground emitted sparkling lights whenever they took a step.

Zog introduced Cluck and Feather to various alien species, and they soon learned that they shared a common love for delicious treats. The chickens exchanged their knowledge of corn and worms for exotic space fruits and intergalactic delicacies. They feasted on stardust berries and sampled nebula nectar, their taste buds dancing with delight.

One day, as the spaceship coasted through an asteroid belt, a sudden jolt sent Cluck and Feather tumbling through the ship's corridors. They managed to navigate their way back to the control room, only to discover that Zog was in trouble. The ship's navigation system had malfunctioned, leaving them stranded near a black hole.

With feathers ruffled and hearts pounding, Cluck and Feather teamed up with Zog to repair the navigation system. Using their resourcefulness, the chickens gathered spare parts from the ship's storage and helped Zog reconnect the circuits. As the system came back online, the spaceship's engines roared to life, and they narrowly escaped the gravitational pull of the black hole.

Grateful for the chickens' bravery, Zog decided it was time to return them home. With a heavy heart, Cluck and Feather bid farewell to the wondrous sights of outer space and the friendships they had forged. As the spaceship descended towards Earth, the chickens marveled at the sight of their familiar barnyard.

The spaceship gently touched down in their barnyard, and Cluck and Feather hopped out, their hearts full of stories to share with their fellow chickens. The other barnyard animals gathered around, captivated by their tales of space adventures, strange planets, and daring rescues.

As the sun set, casting a warm golden glow over the barnyard, Cluck and Feather looked up at the night sky with newfound appreciation. They knew that the universe was vast and mysterious, but it was also a place of unexpected friendships and unforgettable experiences.

And so, the two adventurous chickens continued to live their simple barnyard lives, forever changed by their cosmic escapade. Whenever the stars twinkled above, they would remember the time they soared among them, proving that even the humblest of creatures can find their place in the grand tapestry of the cosmos.
Hi! This is my contest for any writers out there! Word limit - none.
Just post a story and i and @casportpony and @azurbanclucker (if they are available ofc) will judge it!

List the title if your story has one, and your prompt if you used one. Prize is tbd.
Contest ends September 16.


Past world/life/way of life. Christian. Western. Romance. Historical fiction. Farm.

Sorry, time for editing expired and i had more prompts to add so i just quoted and edited the quote lol

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