STUPID ROOSTERS!!!!! Please Advise


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
Redkey, IN
I have a rooster that I just love. Lately, though, he has been challenging me and attacking my legs. I had a major fear of birds growing up and when I got our chickens this past spring, I was very happy to be over the fear. Well now that the stupid rooster keeps attacking I am afraid of him. It doesn't hurt, but it freaks me out!
AND today our other rooster did the same thing. What can I do to keep this from happening? I know they smell my fear......

My biggest issue is that he has stated doing it to my kids. He doesn't hun t us down, but if we get near him then he does his quick step with one wing down and attacks. It is really kind of funny looking but I don't want him to hurt my kids or me. Any advice would be appreciated.
I personally carry a stick and whenever my rooster starts to show signs of dominance I give him a gentle tap and then chase him around for a bit with the stick to show I'm not afraid and will win.
Now all I do is pick up my stick and he keeps his distance, the stick also helps to "herd" the flock out of my way when I walk too. I never ever strike a chicken hard unless I intend to kill it.
lol! I do give him the boot but he is sneaky. Sometimes he comes up from behind. I like the stick idea. That way I can keep him at a distance. Thank you! I also wear my big girl boots so if he does attack he only gets rubber. (I feel like such a nerd, but they empower me lol!)
Mine just nipped me yesterday. LoL I don't think he liked my new barn boots. Or he was just waiting for his morning treat and got impatient.
Either way, his butt met my boot. He has been a good boy ever since.
Sometimes they just need to be reminded of who's boss.
His nip came almost at the same time that he started noticing girls so I think he was just showing off a bit.

Has your recently learned how to get frisky?
He is already pretty frisky. His girlfriend (our pekin duck) is by his side most of the day and has been since our other duck was killed by a hawk. Our Americana rooster has just recently become frisky though so maybe it is just a way for our lead rooster to keep his place. He doesn't just nip he bites and kicks. I am going to find me a good stick today!
We only have one rooster and we didn't plan on keeping him, but he is still here. He started to show some signs of dominance and aggression. I started walking into the coop or run with a proper broom (wooden handle, big whisk) and if he even looks at me with "that look" I swat the broom at him. It took about 3 days of that and he stopped stalking me. He still stalks DH, though, but his interaction is more limited and DH doesn't bring food. DH has kicked him and has held him a few times, but I just think Roo just keeps seeing DH as a new threat because he doesn't see him every day. I do worry about him threatening the kids, but so far he hasn't bothered with them.
Get some heavy duty gloves out and a towel. I grab mine and hold them on my lap. I also flatten them out on the ground when they get to frisky... one hand on the back and lower them to the ground and hold them their for a bit... mine always get the idea and leave me alone... but be careful, you dont want to get spurred.
My DH is who he started showing dominance to first. He just grabbed his tail feathers a couple of times and now the rooster doesn't really bother him. I just need to supress my fear and show him who is boss!

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