Sumatra Hen with Bubbles coming out of her beak

Quick update-Athena decided to get out of her cage yesterday when I was feeding her and take off into the woods across the road about an hour before dark.
I bribed, threatened, cursed and everything else to try to get her to come back(it was getting cold out) and she just refused to cooperate. My husband said, "Leave her alone, she'll be back"...glad he was right(for once
She is doing fine-absolutely nothing more in the way of symptoms in her or any of my other birds!
I am optimistic that if this was mycoplasma that I was able to isolate it and keep it from spreading.
Thank you all for your help and support!
Hi, so happy to hear about Athena, I know you are relieved that she is well and everyone else is healthy too. I would love to see pictures of your birds. At least one I've never heard of the Norwegian Jaehon? sounds very interesting
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