Summer 2012 Granny "Square" Swap (sign ups closed)

Good Morning~

Just wanted to check in before I start the crazy mad dash cleaning to prep for company. They said they wouldn't roll in until around 4pm today, so I have all day to get it done. Actually I'm procrastinating the cleaning just a wee bit.

I think I have about 7 of the 6" squares complete for the swap. All using the same sunflower pattern. It's funny how different color combos can make the whole pattern look different.

It is much cooler today. (Yipppeee!!) Only 79* right now. I'm sorry to whined so much about the triple digits, but I have been so worried about my flock. I know some of you experience the triple digits all summer long. How does your flock handle it?

I forgot to tell everyone that the City Council approved our business to be allowed. The plumbing was started last week and he's accomplished a lot, but not finished yet. Hoping to open in a month, but that will really be pushing it. Keep your fingers crossed that this is going to work out.

I can't wait to see pics of everyone's squares. I hope everyone has a great day!!!! I'll check back in when I need a break from cleaning.
Good afternoon everyone! We got the repeater hooked up but are still only getting one bar from our cell phones with it. No internet service of any kind yet!!! I'm going crazy without my BYC fixes! Well at least I can make a call now. Even if it does cut out a bit. I feel a little better knowing that in an emergency I can make calls now.
Good morning everyone. It's 97 so far and not quite 2pm. I've been out and watered my flock and my friend Mary's. The shade cloth I have over my chicken pens and aviary pens seems to work with my flock. I have some on the side of the pen that faces east and west also. They like it when I sprinkle down the ground so they can lay in it. I guess it's cooler that way. I haven't lost a chicken yet from the heat so it must help.

I couldn't find the royal sparkle on the Internet when I ordered the other from JoAnn's but they had it in Lancaster. They didn't have it in Bakersfield when I went looking for the other colors that I couldn't get off the Internet yet I found it in Lancaster. I didn't get it because I found the equivelent in another brand another time.

I'm stuck in the office as I shampooed the living room carpet and shampooed myself right into here. Jada Blue is with me and she isn't pleased about it as she wants in the living room close to the cooler. She'll have to lay in here near me for a while until the rug dries. I have a bunch of computer work to do so now is a good time to do it. I installed a window shade this morning that I bought at Lowe's. It's supposed to cut the sun and not heat up the room but you can still see out. The mini blind just wasn't doing it. The sun will be hitting that window soon and I can see if this one will help.

Well, everyone keep hooking. I brought my crocheting in here also so maybe I can do some. I started a new 12" that says I love you on it. Actually it has an I and two hearts and a U on it. I'm thinking of trying it out in a rectangle. It wouldn't be hard to draw the blocks to follow. Have a good day.
That square sounds adorable! I'm glad you are doing that pattern cause I haven't been able to get mine to turn out. I am gonna give up and try another pattern. Have a great visit with your DGD.
We had another 2 days of crazy extreme heat (105-106), but FINALLY some relief today.
YAY!!! Last night it was thundering & lightening, but we didn't get much of a rainfall at my house at all. Calling for more showers today, but it's sunny and dry, but at least it's cooler.

My flock has been miserable!!! Extra miserable since they've had their free range freedom taken away. Hawks are so bad right now. The past 2 days I thought it was clear to release them to freedom to only have a hawk dive bomb after them after I released them. One day it was the ducks at the edge of the woods and yesterday they swooped down on the backside of the coop, but I don't even think a chicken was over there at the time. I have to laugh about them swooping down after my 3 fat pekin ducks, b/c I guess they decided they were too fat to pick up. No one was hurt or even touched, but very dramatic to witness. I just hate I can't let them out to free range. I think it must be fledglings learning to hunt. We've always had hawks raising their babies in the surrounding woods, but noticed more families this year and I've never had this much of a problem.
Sure enough as soon as I opened the pop door to let them out in the run I heard the shrill of a hawk and could see it in the front yard checking things out to see if I was going to let them out some breakfast. Arrrggggg!!!!!!

Sunny~ Glad you are getting things settled. Sorry you are experiencing the heat as well. How does the freezer packs work? I need to get some. I didn't have any watermelon to offer my flock yesterday. I felt so bad for them. I went into the coop after dark and put some water under their wings. They really hate it when I get them wet. I really need to amend my whole flock set up esp if I'm going to have them in locked in the run more often. I want to move my whole coop, but no time to do it right now.

I hope everyone has a great day~
The freezer packs don't work very well for my flock. They don't seem to like them. They do love the frozen watermelon though and like the ground wet down in their run. Problem is trying to get enough watermelon to feed Steve and have leftovers for freezing! LOL

How scary to have hawks trying to snatch your babies! I saw my youngest group out quite a ways from their coop yesterday. They are the only ones I worry about right now cause they are small enough for a hawk to grab. The others are too huge. I hope their new found courage doesn't get them in trouble!
Good Morning~

Just wanted to check in before I start the crazy mad dash cleaning to prep for company. They said they wouldn't roll in until around 4pm today, so I have all day to get it done. Actually I'm procrastinating the cleaning just a wee bit.

I think I have about 7 of the 6" squares complete for the swap. All using the same sunflower pattern. It's funny how different color combos can make the whole pattern look different.

It is much cooler today. (Yipppeee!!) Only 79* right now. I'm sorry to whined so much about the triple digits, but I have been so worried about my flock. I know some of you experience the triple digits all summer long. How does your flock handle it?

I forgot to tell everyone that the City Council approved our business to be allowed. The plumbing was started last week and he's accomplished a lot, but not finished yet. Hoping to open in a month, but that will really be pushing it. Keep your fingers crossed that this is going to work out.

I can't wait to see pics of everyone's squares. I hope everyone has a great day!!!! I'll check back in when I need a break from cleaning.
How exciting!!!!! You guys are getting close now!

Glad the weather has cooled off for you too. It is supposed to get in the hundreds here today but we don't have the sticky humidity to deal with like Cathy has. Hope everyone's week goes smoothly!

I know I quoted some other posts but don't see them now.
I guess the bugs are still getting worked out of the new platform.
I'm having hawk issues too but between Coby Roo and Miss Kitty they have been foiled. I worry about them grabbing Kitty, she's a scrawny little thing but she sure fills Puddy's paws.
Here's hoping that everyone's pens stay hawk free. And coyote free and mountain lion free and raccoon free.....
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I finally got my yarn! :D I wanted to have my squares done before school starts, so I had to go with the colours at Wal*Mart. I just got the Cranberry, and am going to do solid granny's. Sorry to be boring, but that's really all I can get. The closest craft stores aren't very close, and I can't buy online.
We had a hawk flying overhead yesterday, my freerangers freaked out and made all kinds of racket! That piercing sound gave me the willies, just thinking he wanted to swoop down and get my birds!
My girls are hanging pretty close to home. The hawk didn't stick around long, I think he saw me standing there with a broom ready to protect! On a brighter note, the humidity broke and it beatiful now. Hopefully I can sit for a bit and do some crocheting this afternoon. Everyone's squares look great!

Have a great day all!!

I finally got my yarn! :D I wanted to have my squares done before school starts, so I had to go with the colours at Wal*Mart. I just got the Cranberry, and am going to do solid granny's. Sorry to be boring, but that's really all I can get. The closest craft stores aren't very close, and I can't buy online.
I don't think solid squares are boring. I think they are lovely and can provide beautiful visual space. Several of my squares are solid colors, too.
I finally got my yarn! :D I wanted to have my squares done before school starts, so I had to go with the colours at Wal*Mart. I just got the Cranberry, and am going to do solid granny's. Sorry to be boring, but that's really all I can get. The closest craft stores aren't very close, and I can't buy online.

Solid squares make it easier to separate the multi-colored ones and they make the pattern stand out.
Hello everyone. I am a friend of Sunny's and she is encouraging me to join the swap
even though I am not very experienced at crochet yet. I do love to crochet and am looking
forward to this very much! The squares you have all done so far are very pretty and some
are even a little intimidating they are so detailed and beautiful. I hope you don't mind a
newbie crocheter joining your swap? :)
Welcome Casa de Luna!!!
Glad to have you join in!!

Hello everyone. I am a friend of Sunny's and she is encouraging me to join the swap
even though I am not very experienced at crochet yet. I do love to crochet and am looking
forward to this very much! The squares you have all done so far are very pretty and some
are even a little intimidating they are so detailed and beautiful. I hope you don't mind a
newbie crocheter joining your swap? :)

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