Summer 2012 Granny "Square" Swap (sign ups closed)

Oh Cathy! I would be so nervous with a hawk so close! Hope he finds you too terrifying to chance it again! Glad to hear your humidity finally eased up. As much as we complain about our heat in the west I am very happy that we don't have to deal with high temps and high humidity! I feel like I can't breathe when I visit areas that have both.
I finally got my yarn! :D I wanted to have my squares done before school starts, so I had to go with the colours at Wal*Mart. I just got the Cranberry, and am going to do solid granny's. Sorry to be boring, but that's really all I can get. The closest craft stores aren't very close, and I can't buy online.
I Love the cranberry and I completely agree with Alethea and Kate, the solid squares are just beautiful in a finished afghan. In fact I have a pattern for a hot pad, I've been wanting to try, that uses a rich red only and it is just stunning! Besides, we know how gorgeous your crocheting is!!!

Hello everyone. I am a friend of Sunny's and she is encouraging me to join the swap
even though I am not very experienced at crochet yet. I do love to crochet and am looking
forward to this very much! The squares you have all done so far are very pretty and some
are even a little intimidating they are so detailed and beautiful. I hope you don't mind a
newbie crocheter joining your swap? :)
Hi Luna! So great to see you joined up! Welcome!!!

Kim you are soooo busy! I hope you get some time to get some rest between it all!!!
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How is everyone else doing? I know it is too too hot to think about crocheting and you have plenty of time yet so don't stress. Just wanted to check in and make sure you are all doing well!
Welcome Casa De Luna! This will be a great way to learn more stitches, etc...and make new friends! Its gonna be fun!
Hey everybody~

Casa de Luna~ Welcome to the crochet swap!!! YAY>>>> more participants!!!! You are going to have so much fun!!!!

Sunny~ Yeppers we are pretty busy!!!! Things are heating up as we move forward getting closer to opening and then things will be crazy. It's so nice our friends came in town so we have an excuse for a stay-cation squeezed in with a little work. We went to 6 Flags yesterday afternoon after DH met w/ the electricians in the am. Love it, but feeling a little beat up today. I know you are super busy getting your breeding coops all set up and getting settled in your new place.

Lealonna~ Oh I agree with everyone else that solid colored squares are fantastic and definitely serve their purpose to break up the multicolored patterned ones. I love the cranberry color!

Kate & Cathy~ I hope the hawks stays at bay for you and your flocks. My poor flock is still in lock down in the run b/c I don't want to take a risk of one being snatched. I think they are all too big and fat but the hawks are sure interested in trying to get one. My run is covered so no worries about hawks when my flock is in there. They are just so use to having their freedom everyday that they are a little stir crazy right now.

Betty~ I hope you are having a wonderful visit w/ your family!!!

No time to crochet the past few days. I did take a skein with me to 6 flags, but didn't have time in between rides. Great day to go. No lines!!!! It was too hot and sticky anyway to play w/ yarn.

Gotta run for now. I think we are going to St. Louis w/ our friends for the afternoon.
I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!!
Back from my trip to the Central Valley. Had a good visit with my daughter and granddaughter and also my other daughter, her husband and two boys and two other grandsons. Wow! was it hectic but fun. Came home to 119 yesterday but it was only 102 in Visalia. It was 92 when I woke this morning but it's cloudy, therefore humid as there is a system that might bring us some thunderstorms. We don't usually get them but one never knows here. My granddaughter flies back to GA tomorrow and my daughter back to WA to get ready for their move to CA. They have to be out of their house by the 20th of July and will move to Apple Valley, CA from there. It's about 80 miles from me so it's close enough for me to visit for the day.

I have over 10 blocks crocheted in 12" and 6" and one in a 6x12". They're coming along. I'll take photos in a day or so whenever I get caught up around here. I want to look for some patterns I can use for the 6x12 blocks.

I worried about my old dog and the heat so at the last minute conferred with my neighbor and agreed for me to leave the dog in the house where it's cool and she'd come down several times a day and let her out to go to the bathroom. Bless her! It's great to have neighbors like that. Jada didn't have any accidents in the house either. The chickens made it just fine. I'm wetting down places where they can lay in the wet ground to stay cooler and they seem to like it.

Welcome newcomers. The more the merrier.
Tomorrow is my day to be in the Central Valley. I'm driving up the valley to Mt. Shasta & will be there a month. I'm taking lav bluee and my trusty G hook. Twelve 6" squares are done. I think that's a set, 12 people excluding me. Two 12" squares are done. I hope to get the other ten done while at Shasta. I'm not taking a rectangle pattern with me. If the squares get done and I'm ready to start rectangles, I'll try to get a pattern there. I might have to go to Redding to do that. Otherwise, would it be weird to make regular rectangles, like the first third of a scarf, maybe with borders around them?
That square is gorgeous BTownchickmom! Love the pattern! I'm working on mine tonight, gonna be hot and humid tomorrow so won't crochet much! Have a great night ladies!

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