Summer 2012 Granny "Square" Swap (sign ups closed)

I pray for rain also. The drought has been awful for all of you used to rain. We only get 3-6 inches a year but that is desert living. Last night I watched a lightening storm to the east of us. It was spectacular for me but I'm sure it wasn't for the recipients although it was over the mountains. Some people are getting too much rain and others not enough. Now they tell us there is a hurricane off the coast of Mexico heading our way which is unusual. It won't affect us but it might give southern CA a good dousing. Am going to take pix of my squares in a little while and will post them later today.

We dug up a 5 gal. bucket of potatoes today, both white and red potatoes. Yum! Hope everyone has a great Sunday

Sunny~ How's it going getting you & your flock settled? I know you are super busy as well. I've been spending time w/ DD helping her figure out what she wants to take to college. I want to get it all now so she won't feel stressed come closer to time to move. Her dorm room will be shared w/ another room mate and the rooms are super small, so we are trying to be efficient. She finally has her room mate assignment and tried contacting her, but hasn't heard from her yet. The school assigned them through their new assigned college e-mail and that's the only contact info we have for the new roommate, so maybe the room mate doesn't know to activate it yet. I'm having a lot of fun helping DD get organized for college.

Betty~ I can't wait to see pics of all the squares/rectangles you've made. Sounds like your fingers are flying and have so many made already!!!
So glad you had a great visit w/ your family. I bet you can't wait to have your DD move closer. Glad you are having a little relief from the 119 temps. Isn't it crazy when we say it's cooled down to the 90's.

Beth~ Ooooooo I love the color combo of your latest 12" square. So pretty!!!! So.... you were hookin' on the job?
I agree w/ Cathy that you are an awesome hooker!

Kathy~ So good to hear from you. You are one busy hooker as well.
That is so wonderful all the things you are making for worthy causes. I wish I could hook faster to be able to do that. I get so distracted. Last night I started a dishcloth for DD to match her 2 kitchen towels we bought for her to take to college. I still need to finish her afghan. Really need to work on it every night now until it is done.

Cathy~ You got it right. You make one swap for each participant signed up. Doing a second set is totally up to you, but only one set is required.
I am going to try to make 2 sets or maybe even 3 sets if time allows.

Alethea~ That was so sweet for you to make dishclothes for Sunny!!! I hope you have a wonderful trip. Just send me a message anytime you want to skype. I'm on the same mind set as you and Sunny about making my swaps. I'm starting w/ the 6" and when I get one set complete of those I will move on to either 12" or the rectangle next. I would love to be able to do a set of each to share. That's a great idea on how to do the rectangle. I haven't attempted one again after my mishap and I unraveled it all except the center part that I now use as a book mark.

Kassaundra~ Glad you found us and hope you will join the swap. It is sooooooooo much fun.
There is also a Crochet Chat thread you will want to find on this Hobby sect as well where we post, chat, and share pics of projects we are working on as well. I love seeing pics of people's crocheted creations. I think the crochet swaps were started in 08'. There have been many crochet swap themes through the years. It is Hostess choice on the rules and regulations. We've had all kinds of swaps from 6", spring floral themes of different size granny squares, different size motifs, scrap, Fall theme, etc... I'm sure there will be another swap in the future after this one. If you put "Crochet Swap" in the forums search then some of the past swaps will pop up for you to look at. I hope you will consider joining in the fun. Dust off your hook and join the fun!!!! All rules, yarn brand/color, sizes, deadlines can be found on page 1~ post 1.

Did I tell you all that I let a broody sit on some eggs? The eggs were set at random times and I don't know which was set when since I wasn't planning on letting any of the broodies hatch, so not sure when they are all due. I moved the Cuckoo Maran broody mama (Flopsy Mopsy) and her eggs to a pet crate in the garage. I discovered one baby yesterday afternoon. It must of hatched the night before or wee hrs of the morning, b/c it was all dry and so fluffy. Around 7 pm, DD & I noticed a pip in another egg and that one was hatched when we woke up this morning. I see a pip in a 3rd egg. Yippeeeeeee!!! I have no idea who the moms or dad's are. The dad's can be either a pure bred blue Am or a cuckoo maran. The first hatched egg came from a dark brown which I thought was from a cuckoo maran, but it might be from a barred rock. The second I think is from a green EE.
Very nice, you've done alot! They look great! Been crocheting a bit today but not much, it's wayyyy too hot! I did manage to finish a 12" square today though. I think we have 80% humidity today,
yuck! Been outside most of the day just keeping an eye on my Girlz! Poor things are so hot! On a cooler note, I'll be picking up a jubilee orpington cockrel this coming week...they are soooo pretty. Hoping to breed by next spring. I'll check back in later. Have a great afternoon!
Hi all! Just checking into say "Hi". Hope you all have been having a wonderful weekend!
I got a few more blocks done today as I stayed inside most of the day. We had several days of 119 but it has cooled down to the high 90's and is supposed to get even cooler in the next few days. It won't last I know but a bit of relief feels so good. I'm working on a second set mainly because I know someone may need to back out at the last minute and I wouldn't want anyone to be shorted. I managed to find one rectangule pattern in my motif book and I have switched it around to make it look like a differnt pattern.

Yes, we do swaps using scrap yarn and I think it may be time to do another one as I am building up a pile of yarn again. The ladies at the Masonic Lodge can use lap robes so I can use it up that way. They meet one Wednesday a month to make all kinds of things, especially for cancer patients, baby beanies for preemies and cardiac patients. I add some things from time to time.

It looks like we're all busy and having to deal with heat and/or rain. I am already looking forward to fall weather.
So many of you are doing such great stuff for charity!
We have such a fantastic group in this swap!!!
it is already looking like fall here. Leaves are dropping from trees, burn bush is turning bright red already. It is so dry here garden is awful, we have 3 tomatoe plants that we have watered with hose that haven't given us the first red tomatoe.
we usually water from our creek but it is completely dry. Please pray that we receive rain soon, our baby chickens are having trouble in this heat. I love seeing all the pictures of the squares and can't wait to receive my squares lol then I have to decide what to make with them. Thanks for letting me be apart of this swap.
We will definitely hope and pray that you all receive some rain soon, and you are a wonderful addition to our swap! No thanks neccesary! :)
I pray for rain also. The drought has been awful for all of you used to rain. We only get 3-6 inches a year but that is desert living. Last night I watched a lightening storm to the east of us. It was spectacular for me but I'm sure it wasn't for the recipients although it was over the mountains. Some people are getting too much rain and others not enough. Now they tell us there is a hurricane off the coast of Mexico heading our way which is unusual. It won't affect us but it might give southern CA a good dousing. Am going to take pix of my squares in a little while and will post them later today.

We dug up a 5 gal. bucket of potatoes today, both white and red potatoes. Yum! Hope everyone has a great Sunday
Potatoes are one of the few things I did manage to get planted. I will be harvesting some of them tonight too. It's been awhile since I've seen a pretty lightning display. I started to say I miss them but they are devastating here during dry season since they often come with no rain and start huge fires.

Sunny~ How's it going getting you & your flock settled? I know you are super busy as well. I've been spending time w/ DD helping her figure out what she wants to take to college. I want to get it all now so she won't feel stressed come closer to time to move. Her dorm room will be shared w/ another room mate and the rooms are super small, so we are trying to be efficient. She finally has her room mate assignment and tried contacting her, but hasn't heard from her yet. The school assigned them through their new assigned college e-mail and that's the only contact info we have for the new roommate, so maybe the room mate doesn't know to activate it yet. I'm having a lot of fun helping DD get organized for college.

Betty~ I can't wait to see pics of all the squares/rectangles you've made. Sounds like your fingers are flying and have so many made already!!!
So glad you had a great visit w/ your family. I bet you can't wait to have your DD move closer. Glad you are having a little relief from the 119 temps. Isn't it crazy when we say it's cooled down to the 90's.

Beth~ Ooooooo I love the color combo of your latest 12" square. So pretty!!!! So.... you were hookin' on the job?
I agree w/ Cathy that you are an awesome hooker!

Kathy~ So good to hear from you. You are one busy hooker as well.
That is so wonderful all the things you are making for worthy causes. I wish I could hook faster to be able to do that. I get so distracted. Last night I started a dishcloth for DD to match her 2 kitchen towels we bought for her to take to college. I still need to finish her afghan. Really need to work on it every night now until it is done.

Cathy~ You got it right. You make one swap for each participant signed up. Doing a second set is totally up to you, but only one set is required.
I am going to try to make 2 sets or maybe even 3 sets if time allows.

Did I tell you all that I let a broody sit on some eggs? The eggs were set at random times and I don't know which was set when since I wasn't planning on letting any of the broodies hatch, so not sure when they are all due. I moved the Cuckoo Maran broody mama (Flopsy Mopsy) and her eggs to a pet crate in the garage. I discovered one baby yesterday afternoon. It must of hatched the night before or wee hrs of the morning, b/c it was all dry and so fluffy. Around 7 pm, DD & I noticed a pip in another egg and that one was hatched when we woke up this morning. I see a pip in a 3rd egg. Yippeeeeeee!!! I have no idea who the moms or dad's are. The dad's can be either a pure bred blue Am or a cuckoo maran. The first hatched egg came from a dark brown which I thought was from a cuckoo maran, but it might be from a barred rock. The second I think is from a green EE.
YEA for new chickies!!!

The flock is doing very well Kim. Thank you for asking. :)
I hope you get DD settled and ready for college soon. I can't imagine doing all the things you are doing all at once right now . Good luck with it all!
I "LOVE" them!!! lol That strip with love on it is just beautiful! Well they all are!!! I love the idea of starting a square then finishing off with more rows to just 2 sides. I really like that one with the main design offset like that!!!
Very nice, you've done alot! They look great! Been crocheting a bit today but not much, it's wayyyy too hot! I did manage to finish a 12" square today though. I think we have 80% humidity today,
yuck! Been outside most of the day just keeping an eye on my Girlz! Poor things are so hot! On a cooler note, I'll be picking up a jubilee orpington cockrel this coming week...they are soooo pretty. Hoping to breed by next spring. I'll check back in later. Have a great afternoon!
80%?! I feel faint just reading that!
I hope it lets up soon or turns to rain.
You all are making gorgeous squares/rectangles. I have thirteen 6" squares done and am working on my fourth 12" square. I have a pound of lav bluee and will continue 12" squares with it and then start rectangles until I run out. It should come to a total of about two sets.

I'd be up for a scrap swap. Just a thought: if all the squares had the outside round the same color, say black, it could be colorful and use up scraps and still come together nicely. Does that make sense to anyone? Isn't it funny? This swap isn't even closed yet and we're thinking about the next.

Sunny-I'm glad you like the dish cloths. Have we ever had a dish cloth swap?

I hope all of you and your animals can stay safe and healthy with all the challenging weather. It is lovely here in Mt. Shasta this time of year, but it is a high fire risk place. There was a fire nearby last week, but it was put out quickly.
Hello from your friendly lurker! I would love to participate in a swap that uses up scraps. I have so many and have put myself on a yarn buying ban until there's room to store it.

The pictures of all the squares look great! Hope everyone enjoys some cooler weather.

You all are making gorgeous squares/rectangles. I have thirteen 6" squares done and am working on my fourth 12" square. I have a pound of lav bluee and will continue 12" squares with it and then start rectangles until I run out. It should come to a total of about two sets.

I'd be up for a scrap swap. Just a thought: if all the squares had the outside round the same color, say black, it could be colorful and use up scraps and still come together nicely. Does that make sense to anyone? Isn't it funny? This swap isn't even closed yet and we're thinking about the next.

Sunny-I'm glad you like the dish cloths. Have we ever had a dish cloth swap?

I hope all of you and your animals can stay safe and healthy with all the challenging weather. It is lovely here in Mt. Shasta this time of year, but it is a high fire risk place. There was a fire nearby last week, but it was put out quickly.
I don't know if anyone's ever done a dish cloth swap. That would be fun! I like the idea of the same color edges for a swap but if we don't do that then we can always add edging ourselves.
Hello from your friendly lurker! I would love to participate in a swap that uses up scraps. I have so many and have put myself on a yarn buying ban until there's room to store it.

The pictures of all the squares look great! Hope everyone enjoys some cooler weather.

Hi Lynda. It's cooler here in Reno today. Only mid nineties now. I know it seems weird saying that's cool but after the heat wave we had this feels down right cool.

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