Summer 2012 Granny "Square" Swap (sign ups closed)

I saw several posting pics as they go, but wasn't sure if this was meant to be a suprise or if posting the pics was okay? I don't have one of those completed yet b/c I couldn't find the yarn close to where I live, but I have the first half of a couple of the blocks finished to the point that I need the other colors. I may be able to get the other yarn Friday on my way home from work.

There was one pattern I found online I really wanted to do, but couldn't figure it out, the center almost required an engineering degree!!!! I may try again later, I have a feeling it is one of those that when you do figure it out it seems simple.
Kassaundra-It's fine to post pictures as we go. It's still a surprize when they arrive because they are even better in person. I know what you mean about the engineering degree. I love to crochet but have problems with most patterns.
I like the patterns that are drawn out sooooooo much better then the written ones. The pattern I was talking about is not only written, and complicated but there aren't even any like progression pics or any visual aid at all except the finished square pic.
Oops! Somehow I lost my quotes. They did show up this time but I must have done something...
Well I'll just try to remember.

Kate sorry o hear abou your friend but glad you had such a great visit with your son. are very

Kim you are very welcome. :)

I'd love a dishcloth swap too .

Just a reminder... No one needs to buy all the colors. 1 or 2 is just fine. I've only got a few of the colors myself.

Kassaundra so great to have you! I'll add your name to the list now.

Shoot. I know I've forgotten some posts! Still no internet service at home so I'm sitting in the hot car trying to get caught up. S'posed to get a booster in the mail that will fix the problem. The other one didn't work so keep your fingers crossed for me.
Just remembered, someone asked how many participants we were up to. Since I am counting extra sets any one person is doing as another participant, it looks like we have about 15 to make so far. Of course I do hope we get another couple of people to sign up before the deadline.
When you do the swap on FB do you do it w/ you friends/family like on your page, or do you start a whole new page?

I do it on my page with people that are on a community page. The one where we are doing the dish towel swap is Blazing Hooks Crochet SWAP page. You have to be a member of the Blazing Hooks Crochet page to get in the SWAP one.

I have added a lot of crochet friends to be my FB friends.
Sunny~ I have this vision of you sitting in a hot car getting your BYC fix.
You are so awesome to drive into town to use the internet until you have yours hooked up to chat with us.
Hail our hostess with the mostest!!!

I'm crossing my fingers for you that your new booster comes in the mail soon and that it works for you this time. I can remember when I was having internet issues back in Dec. No fun!!! I didn't realize how much I used it until it was not working.

Alethea~ Got your PM and sent you one back. I will figure out my skype address when I get home tonight and send it to you. I hope all goes well with your friend's surgery. I know she will appreciate the shawl. I've always wanted to make one of those. Oh sooo many projects and too little time.

HookedOnStitch~ Great to hear from you!!!
Like Sunny said, you only need a few of the colors or can even do solid colored squares. I had to go to several places to find the colors. Found all but the Royale Sparkles, but seem to now only be using only a few colors myself. Congratulations on your first teaching job!!! How exciting!!!

Kassaundra~ I think most of us on here are picture-holics!!!!
We love it when you share a pic of your work. Like Alethea said it is always still a surprise when the swaps arrive, b/c you don't know know exactly which one you will get from that person. It's soooooo much fun!!!! TOTALLY know what you mean about having to be an engineer to decipher some patterns. I have a terrible time w/ them sometimes.

Kathy~ You are one busy hooker!!!
I love hearing about all the projects you are working on and the many swaps you are involved in at one time. That is incredible!!! I wish I could crochet faster.

I have 4 baby chicks. After Flopsy Mopsy hatched the first 3 then she didn't want to be an incubator any more, but just wanted to be a mom. She was up scratching all around in the crate trying to teach the new hatchlings to eat and the other unhatched eggs were all over the place but under her. I had to take them out and slip them under another broody (Stella) in the coop. Stella hatched #4, but I gave it to Flopsy last night after it was dry. I've been gone all day today so have no idea if Stella is sitting on the remaining 2 eggs.

I hope everyone has a great night. Very exciting to see so many participants sign up. Need to get my fingers flying!!!!
My friend's tumor turned out to be cancer, so she had a mastectomy. She's doing fine and will be home today and I will get to help take care of her. I ran out of yarn for the prayer shawl, so took it apart and started again with another yarn. I don't have a shawl pattern here, so am making it simple. Fine yarn and a big hook make it look lacy so it's all sc. Afterward, I will make some flowers and tack them on.

It's nice that we are getting more swappers. Each one adds more fun, not to mention squares.

Sunny-You're a trooper sitting in your car checking in. I hope you get some internet access soon.
Sunny~ I have this vision of you sitting in a hot car getting your BYC fix.
You are so awesome to drive into town to use the internet until you have yours hooked up to chat with us.
Hail our hostess with the mostest!!!

I'm crossing my fingers for you that your new booster comes in the mail soon and that it works for you this time. I can remember when I was having internet issues back in Dec. No fun!!! I didn't realize how much I used it until it was not working.


I have 4 baby chicks. After Flopsy Mopsy hatched the first 3 then she didn't want to be an incubator any more, but just wanted to be a mom. She was up scratching all around in the crate trying to teach the new hatchlings to eat and the other unhatched eggs were all over the place but under her. I had to take them out and slip them under another broody (Stella) in the coop. Stella hatched #4, but I gave it to Flopsy last night after it was dry. I've been gone all day today so have no idea if Stella is sitting on the remaining 2 eggs.

I hope everyone has a great night. Very exciting to see so many participants sign up. Need to get my fingers flying!!!!
Hahaha! The other day a highway patrol drove up to the car because someone reported that I had been sitting in the car for too long and was too still. They thought I was dead. lol
Congrats on the baby chicks!!!
My friend's tumor turned out to be cancer, so she had a mastectomy. She's doing fine and will be home today and I will get to help take care of her. I ran out of yarn for the prayer shawl, so took it apart and started again with another yarn. I don't have a shawl pattern here, so am making it simple. Fine yarn and a big hook make it look lacy so it's all sc. Afterward, I will make some flowers and tack them on.

It's nice that we are getting more swappers. Each one adds more fun, not to mention squares.

Sunny-You're a trooper sitting in your car checking in. I hope you get some internet access soon.
Thank you Alethea. So sorry to hear about your friend's diagnosis! I'm glad she is recovering well and has a great friend like you to help her out during this tough time!

Hopefully by this weekend we will have service again. I didn't realize how addicted I was to BYC til I had to settle for the occasional check in. It's brutal not being able to chat with you all as much as I would like to! Hope you are all doing well!
Althea, so sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure she will appreciate your help. We are dealing with cancer also. My future son-in-law was diagnosed with NonHodgkins Lymphoma this spring. Only 26 years old and they have 2 children and a baby on the way. Very hard and very humbling.
On a lighter note, the weather has finally broken here
!! We hit 93% humidity last week. I lost one of my young hens, I'm assuming to the heat. Hopefully it doesn't return. Now we could use some serious rain! But I'm not complaining.
Have done a bit of crocheting in between getting our winter plow/maintenance bids done. Snow will be flying before we know it! I am also building another coop, for silkies. It looks like a log cabin with a screened in porch on the front! So cute.I'll post pictures when its done. Have a great night peeps!

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