Don't worry about the grit right now. And let her eat what she feels like. I have a hunch you're dealing with sour crop. To be sure, check her crop before you go to bed, and first thing again in the morning. If the crop is unchanged, in other words, not emptied completely, Lacy probably needs to be treated for sour crop.

Go back to post # 26 for instructions on treatment.

By the way, I've seen Safeguard at Walmart in the pet section.
If Lacy has a hard lump in her crop come morning, she may also have some blockage in her gizzard, too. What I recommend, if this is what her crop feels like in the morning, is to give her a stool softener with a little more coconut oil. Hopefully, that will blast loose the logjam and Lacy will then begin to feel like her old self.
@azygous @KikisGirls @aart @micstrachan @leighks @lazy gardener @peckpeckpeck
Just got in a little bit ago from making sure everybody was situated and tucked in for the night ok in the coops. I felt Lacy’s crop and it had a little in it -not much -less than there was 4 hours ago -and not real hard and not real soft either. It’s close to empty I think so she hasn’t been eating since I fed her the little bit of bread late this afternoon -and she has had free access to her standard diet of 16% laying pellets in the feeder. So no appetite for anything other than bread. Tomorrow will try pieces of bread spread with coconut oil. And will check Agri Co-op and MonArk Feed & Supply for ‘POULTRY’ grit as opposed to the chick grit we bought today.
Also I put her beak up by my nose just before locking them down and didn’t smell anything ‘sour’ or out of the ordinary.
I'm beginning to wonder about possible coccidiosis since she just isn't feeling well.
Really bummed. We lost her. We tried (we includes all here on BYC’s who offered their expertise and encouragement). We woke up a couple mornings ago and she had died. Haven’t been thrilled about making that report here knowing everyone was hopeful. I really wanted to offer a report of a much happier outcome. I told my wife, “It’s just a chicken. Why does it have to hurt so bad.” I always called her my lap baby. That explains it. She is sorely missed.
Thank you all again for your help and encouragement.

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