Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

Same, it's a little worrying as I've never seen anything like this before. Their eggs were both normal today- except I have noticed one has a lot of calcium deposits, that's becoming a pattern in itself now.
I had one with lots of deposits one day but then it never happened again
I don’t know who laid it
I can rule out daisy and dasher as they are inside
I had one with lots of deposits one day but then it never happened again
I don’t know who laid it
I can rule out daisy and dasher as they are inside
I'm not sure whose egg this was, but it's the third or so day with deposits, less than before though so maybe getting back to normal, I guess we'll see
I don't think it's related to whatever it is that I found, though
Do my ducks abuse me on a daily basis?
Is it worth it?

I had the BEST snugs with Sprightly. I gave her a face massage and she very much enjoyed, with the sleepy eyes. It's such a nice feeling when a bird trust's you that much, she fully relaxed
I'd have given her kisses too but she had duck knows what all over her face.
Awwwww is that 3 already??
4 now
I had a few last year too and they are healthy happy over one year old birds
Many say weak ones need assistance but not always the case
Smaller eggs cause issues only for babies to turn but babies themselves are healthy
Exactly. I've also noticed it's more common for babies who come from a larger father to need assistance. I guess the egg just isn't big enough for some of them.

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