Surviving Minnesota!

Autumn blaze maple about a week ago .

past prime .

The left 2 are good . I used the white part of the right one .

My other Autumn blaze maple . Almost bare now . Very late leaf drop this year .
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I was just reading about coop heat thoughts for which I was so very concerned about this past year, my first winter with birds. Pretty relaxed this year.

I still am using a heat lamp on for the seven week old chicks since they went into the coop. Why would you remember (its my work) that I sectioned off the front of the enclosed/covered coop with chicken wire (it is a 4 x 5 area) three weeks ago and moved them to that location from their brooder. Now the established flock can see them, smell them, and they share the same water resource. There are a few times when one of the hens has wiggled their way under the wire and lunched in the chicks area. I like that they are exposed to each other one at a time so will let it ride for a while until the hen begins to chase and peck at them. That will do nothing for pecking order in the long-time chicken flock adapting coming up soon.

Anyway - back to the heat lamp. It is supported by three different procedures because, of course, I do not want it to fall and cause a fire. It is my experienced as of late that they are not really utilizing the heat source except very occasionally on a chilly damp day.

I do not worry too much about heat in the coop until the coop temp is at about 20. I like to keep it at least 20 when it is -0 outside. They are enclosed, they are not hit by the wind and they can use each other in a huddle. I do have two CA this winter that I am a little concerned about as to whether they will weather the cold as they are not cold hardy. I guess I will be finding out.

BTW - Those CA lay a nice firm, white egg and they lay every single day. Plus they are friendly, sweet and docile. I recommend them and will more so after I see how they weather our winters here.

Last year I ran a heat lamp during our below zero spell. It was kind of pointless since my coop is around 140 sq ft and the lamp was 250 watts. It made me feel better though! I have s-u-c-k-e-r written on my forehead. Anyways, I late hatched in October and was worried about the little ones in the coop as well. They didn't care about the heat lamp one bit. I forget how resilient chickens are sometimes.

CA's are the Leghorn crosses, correct? Is there a difference between them and White Leghorns (outside of being crosses, of course).
I just turned on the evening news and literally, I am not exaggerating, every ad is political. I understand that we vote in six days as do you understand that. IF I could make a law it would be that one week before any election all advertising must be ceased. That is for the health of the voters. We need a rest to gather all the info that has been voiced on the advertisements and do what each voter needs to do to decide how and who they will vote. LOL. If a person does not know how to vote by now they need the peace and quiet to decide. Do you agree?

I want to hear the weather forecast though.
So here is a story for you . Went to have the preop testing done . While there I told the staff I had a couple of messages to call them . Might as well see what they wanted . I had been hunting or working during office hours. So a nurse came in and wanted to know what the call was about . I said well I had blood work done . Still wanted know what they wanted . I said ugh you called me I did not call you . You need to tell me what it is about . I saw the vampire nurse trying to hide a grin . Turns out they wanted to redo the blood work because I did not fast . I said that is on the nurse . She told me it was a pee test . I expected to pee in a cup . No mention of fasting or blood drawing . So I was surprised by the blood draw .
Anyway I went from midnight to 11 AM with no drink or coffee . It was getting to the end of my patience . I was close to loosing my charm . Oh and all this preop and surgery stuff to take a pimple (cyst) off my butt crack . IDK what the fuss is .
I just turned on the evening news and literally, I am not exaggerating, every ad is political. I understand that we vote in six days as do you understand that. IF I could make a law it would be that one week before any election all advertising must be ceased. That is for the health of the voters. We need a rest to gather all the info that has been voiced on the advertisements and do what each voter needs to do to decide how and who they will vote. LOL. If a person does not know how to vote by now they need the peace and quiet to decide. Do you agree?

I want to hear the weather forecast though.
I do not usually make political comments . What bothers me is one of them will win . I guess I will pray before voting . I need help on this one .Neither one seems a good choice .
So here is a story for you . Went to have the preop testing done . While there I told the staff I had a couple of messages to call them . Might as well see what they wanted . I had been hunting or working during office hours. So a nurse came in and wanted to know what the call was about . I said well I had blood work done . Still wanted know what they wanted . I said ugh you called me I did not call you . You need to tell me what it is about . I saw the vampire nurse trying to hide a grin . Turns out they wanted to redo the blood work because I did not fast . I said that is on the nurse . She told me it was a pee test . I expected to pee in a cup . No mention of fasting or blood drawing . So I was surprised by the blood draw .
Anyway I went from midnight to 11 AM with no drink or coffee . It was getting to the end of my patience . I was close to loosing my charm . Oh and all this preop and surgery stuff to take a pimple (cyst) off my butt crack . IDK what the fuss is .

Is it a pilonidal cyst?
Now that I spend more time than normal watching TV, it's just horrible. I spend my time watching Netflix or old westerns on the oddball channels (I don't have cable). What's worse is how expensive it is to make and run these ads. It's not coming out of the pockets of those running that's for sure. Ridiculous.

@jerryse , it's all protocol sorry to say. Doesn't help that they didn't tell you to fast or tell you about the blood work. Wasting your time. Good luck with the procedure.

@lvie , I'm picking up some White Leghorn chicks next week, so I'm just curious. I've heard the same about them. They were always around when I was a kid and I remember picking them up and playing with them. I'm hoping overly socialization them as chicks will keep them a little less crazy. We'll see.

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