Swap Meet - Charlotte Michigan - April 26

Ok...let me mull it over and I'll drop you a PM tonight

One other question... do they look like they are going to have those cute fluffy cheeks and beards like some of the other ee's I have seen on here?

Like this?

lfoose's chicken
I'm hoping for great weather as well ... trying to get the barns and basement cleaned out so we can bring everything to the swap!

I've told a bunch of horse people to come and bring their tack and show clothes and other misc. barn supplies.

V - will there be any tables, or will we need to supply our own? What part of the fairgrounds are we using? I'm inviting A LOT of people I know, and would like to give them an idea of where to find me.

Going to go check Michigan Poultry list and see if it is already posted there.
Frizzledhen -- I LOVE our banty frizzles (we have a pair of red hens) but I'm so worried that they are just "hawk bait" when they free-range.

We also have a red banty frizzle rooster that I want to bring, but I have to convince my daughter (he's her 4-H Showmanship bird) to let me sell Spaghetti and get her a hen or pullet instead! (The guineas have pulled his tail feathers out, poor little man!)

So I'd be VERY interested in one or two of your frizzle pullets!! Are they show quality? My three are from the Eaton 4-H Small Animal Sale last year ... gosh, maybe you know them!
I do not show my birds. I cull heavily and keep the best for breeding. If any would win in a show, I don't know. Most of the bantams are too young to sex with any certainty.
is that a word? What color are you looking for?

We will be in the back by the animal barns and campground area. You will need to provide your own table, unfortunately, the fairboard wasn't keen on using their tables for critters! lol

Yes, please pass the word!!
I don't care which color(s), but I bet my daughter will have a preference.

She might be easier to convince to give up Spaghetti if she knew in advance that she could bring home a couple of new young 'uns.

Any clue as to how to price my little roo? He's a year old, red, I don't know about show quality as I don't know the specs, but he does need to grow his tail back out.

Send me a PM and let me know how to find you at the swap!
Buttercup, I don't know what to tell you on your roo. Put a price on him and be willing to barter. I will bring some frizzles in all colors.
How to find me? Gosh there are some days I can't even find myself.
Guess I will be the one with boxes of chicks. I have a red buick - old red buick.
We are looking for some day-old chicks to stick under a broody hen Saturday night while she's sleepin'. Love EE's if you'll have any ready.

Or whatever pure or mixed breed dual-purpose brown egg layer chicks that are cheap.

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