Teeny little incubator

I'm using one of these incubators right now. They're right about the unstable temperatures. If the room temperature changes, so does the incubator. One night it got up to 110. It killed 2 out of my 3 eggs in there. The last egg is still surviving and fixing to hatch! I have to keep a rag to put on top of it to keep it a steady temp. It takes practice to keep the temperature steady, But it can be done. That's a good idea to use a cooler to put it in, I'll probably try that with my next hatch!
How would i do it with a styrofoam cooler? Wouldnt the heat lamp melt it?

If the heat lamp melts it, the heat is up too high

I wouldn't do the little dome incubator even if it had a reputation for holding stable temps for the simple reason that if you are only incubating three eggs, you increase the odds that you will only hatch one chick, and then you'll be in the position of having to hastily buy local chicks of the same age to keep it company. The way I look at it, the more eggs I can set, the greater the chance I'll end up with two or more chicks....

no need for heat lamps,,,,,,,, just light bulbs
This is true. I won a R-com mini 3 egg incubator here on BYC. It's a really good incubator I think, but we had a short power outage and only the center egg (I assume warmest) hatched a few days ago. Fortunately I have 19 more due in about 6 days in my LG, so the little guy can hold out that long I hope. He/she has been quiet so far, probably doesn't know what he's missing. Last fall I hatched 2/3 in it, and one died around 4 weeks, so yes I had to scramble to buy similarly aged chicks local. Fortunately there are quite a few back yard chicken keepers in my general area, but not everyone hatches in November!
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I have a regular incubator with an egg turner and we are having trouble keeping the temperature regulated, even with the handy dandy control knob.

I only got 4 out of 41 hatch, I would not have wanted to have had just three eggs in there, I would likely to have had nothing hatch. I had bought chicks a couple days beforehand just to make sure i didn't have any lone chicks (what a great excuse, eh?).

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