Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

Traveled yesterday and today and the roads were dry!! There was even some blue sky!! This is after a week containing record rainfall. Sure makes driving sooo much easier
Bought a .99cent/pound Butterball fresh turkey on sale. Roasted it according to package instructions as read by 9 year old Dear Son. Carved it up according to package instructions as read by 9year old Dear Son. Lavished praise for delicious turkey on sale decision insisted upon and argued for by 9year old Dear Son. Discovered Butterball Fresh Turkey is really, really tasty.

Packaged leftovers and planned FIVE meals for this week according to family meeting for Home Economics plan. Figured we can spend another $4 per dinner!

Looking forward to turkey pot pie.

...and turkey tetrazzini

...and turkey brocolli cheddar rice casserole

...and turkey salad sandwiches


...and we thought we ran short on grocery money this week.
We got the poo trough done on the new coop! Yay! So much easier to keep clean now. Also finished up some more insulating and odds and ends. Still have a ways to go till its just the way I want it but its a lot better now! Chickens don't seem to care one way or other

Went to the inlaws for a sorta thanksgiving dinner/visit.
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Oh I forgot! When we where working on our coop one of our neighbors showed up with huge load (over 1 coard) of firewood for us! He just gave it to us! DH has been helping him put in a new sewer and water/power lines so he gave us the wood! We where so greatful! Hubby says we have enough for winter now!
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While I was feeding all the birds, I accidentally left the 8 week old chicks' feeder off of their cage, which fits into hole in the wire. One EE mix, Jayne, squeezed out of the hole and followed me halfway across the yard before I noticed
She just stood there when I stopped; didn't even run when I picked her up to put her back

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