Tell something about your self that would surprise others.

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hmmmm . . .
i have so much to work with here.

i collect art by original artists - i have an aesthetic flair for the odd and colorful and my home looks like it was decorated by a demented ten year old (a demented ten year old with some skill tho.)

i'm a professional student with aspirations to never have a "real" job (although i will be teaching composition to freshmen next year - *sigh*).

i met my (registered!) domestic partner of six years at a bar (kinda embarassing/cheesy!)

i keep my sodas in the dishwasher and wash my dishes by hand (i know, it baffles ME too!). as a result i drink a warm mountain dew every morning (no coffee for me!).

i lost over fourty pounds this year.

okay, enough for now!
f. weeble
No wonder you didnt wave, I deliver to knouse, but drive the oil truck that delivers there, white(dirty), USA oil truck
This is a cool thread!

I have anxiety disorder. I take medication before I get on an airplane so I don't have panic attacks.

I can't whistle.

I met my husband at the hospital the day my highschool sweetheart died. When people ask how we met, we usually make up a story.

I've owned at least two horses every day of my life.

I have never smoked a cigarette or done any illegal drugs.

I went to school to be a firefighter. I was in the fire academy when I broke both my ankles.
It is really hard to explain to people that you live in C.H.A.O.S. (Can't have anyone over syndrome) because you are an OCD neat freak. Very few people get it.

Jeaucamon's a FLYBABY!!!
Me too...

I also married my boss. He's 17 years older than me...
I was told that I could never have kids, that it would kill me because of my heart condition. I have a 14 year old.

I was "put away" into a looney bin when I was 10.
I still have trust issues.

I drag raced in my 68 Dodge Coronet 440 station wagon.

I name my cars.

I rang the MerryGoRound at Paragon Park at Nantasket Beach. And I still love MGR Horses.

I wanted to be an Archaeologist growing up, but I was told that I couldn't because it wasn't a "proper" thing for a girl. :thun

I got to fulfill a lifelong dream when I saw the Treasures of King Tutankhamun this summer.

I love to do research...on just about anything...that's why it took me so long to name the new car...She was made in Hermosilla, so I wanted an Aztec/Mayan name and was looking for Goddess names and couldn't get the right fit. Then I was "angry bumblebee" Xicohtencatl and knew that was the correct name for her...yes, it's a male name, but I could put the feminine addition chiua if I wanted to
See I toldya I like to do research...
The car before her was Tlaloc, God of Rain because he was a dark navy blue.​
I'm thinking Spanish.


I can see you being a model! Totallly!

Way back in the day. 7 years ago.
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