
I just LOVE them! I like the fact that they are all different looking and are so calm. They are my flower children

Would you have any extra young ones for sale anytime soon?
Tennessee friends what does everyone plan on breeding this year?

Might be more info than you wanted to know but here it is

Copper Marans Blue/Black
Blue and Reg Barred Rocks
Birchen/Blue Birchen Marans PROJECT
Cuckoo /Blue Cuckoo Marans PROJECT
White Leghorns
Olive Eggers
Isabelle Marans
Split Isabelle Marans
Blue Laced Silvers Wyandottes
White Breese
White Wyandotte
Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ams
Silkies MUTTS
Silkies PURE (buff, partridge and a Mutt pen LOL)
Solid Blue and Black Rocks
Choc and Muave Eng Orps
Blue and Black Eng Orps
Silver Penciled Rocks and Partridge Rocks
Lav and Split and Black Ams
Silver Penciled Wyandotte Bantams
Sex Linked EE
Crested Cream Legbar
Exchequer Leghorn (Blue and Black)

Some will not be available till late spring or summer
Well ****.

You have ALOT of different kinds of chooks!
I'd definitely be interested in a few olive eggers to go with my lonely roo, and I have a good friend who loves orpingtons, I never knew they came in Chocolate and Mauve....got any pics?
And what, pray tell, is an Isabelle Maran?
LOL, you're chicken crazy girl!!!




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