
everyone in East TN make it through that storm?

i lost the tarp off the turkey pen and had a coop full of wet silkies this morning (i've been keeping everything most open since it's nice out, but the rain was coming in sideways last night). but everyone's safe and sound.
sorry to hear that but glad that the babies were ok so far and die out. we only got bad cold rain here and very windy the girl were not happy but ok. at least no more rain here until monday but a cold spell in come in thursday n friday nights down to low 30s to upper 20s
I dreaded going down to let the girls out this AM cause I figured their run was flooded. It was fine - I guess the ground was so dry it was soaked up all the water before it got a chance to run. We measured 4" on our rain gauge.
We had a funnel cloud go over our house..we were so under it we couldn't see it but everyone else could just fine
it's a creepy feeling watching the radar on tv knowing that is you under that spot and at any given second it can come down to play. Did loose 2 chickens from falling debris..wind gusts over 60mph I hate it for our neighbors in NC but we can't take much more here in middle TN that Mother Nature has to offer.
My young birds are probably cramped up and ticked off at being combined for the day. But the summer coop has no real wind protection and the rain came down sideways last night!
I did some pretty thorough yard proofing before the storm, but wasn't able to check for damage this morning. Will scope it out when I get home from work.
A couple of neighbors lost Bradford Pear trees, but those are weenie trees anyway! A zephyr and they fall over and die...
Hiya folkses! I'm newly addicted, waiting for my first fix - translation: my dh has promised me some chickens but we don't have the coop renovated yet. I live about 2hrs east of Memphis, 10 minutes north of MS. I can't wait til we get our first birds, and I don't even like eggs! wait, can I say that here? not liking eggs may be blasphemy on these boards, lol

Just thought I'd say hi to the locals, nice to meetcha!
I lost 3 quail during the storm that came thru here yesterday morning.
We live in a mobile home so when it storms or is even real windy I leave. I am terrified of storms
and the high winds makes the roof pop and sends my nerves out the door........along with me. Anyway, I spent the night next door and when I came home after the storm and checked on everybody there was a cage over turned in the shed that held my "new blood" quail. Two where killed in the crash and one in the grow pen got trampled. I'm guessing from all the commotion from the crash.
I'm surprised the BW's didn't have a heart attack because it fell just under their cage. They had to see it and they are so all over the place anyway. Then today, I found another dead one in the "new blood" cage this morning. It had a very mutilated wing. Something must have tried to get it through the bars and had it by it's wing.

We have a long shed and the quail are at the back of it so the wind didn't knock the cage over. Something had to knock it off. We have to get a door on the shed to keep what ever it is out.
Hi, I live in middle TN out in the Leiper's Fork area, south of Nashville. I would so love to see your BLRW's from Foley's! I am trying to decide between Foley's and Paul's Poultry in Florida. I want silver laced wyandottes, but the blue laced reds are sooo pretty too! My name is Adrienne.
Goodness! I'm so glad you guys are okay! That's scary!!! I'm sorry you lost the two. There were limbs down all around my pens too (thankfully not really big ones though). Didn't you get flooded back in May too? You are having a time of it with the weather. Sheesh!

I was at school all day, so just got to worry about everything at the house. Campus was locked down for a while as the tornado warning sirens went off. Thankfully the worst of everything went around campus. Everything was really soggy when I got home and there were limbs everywhere. The netting over my runs caught a bunch of the limbs. The silkies were soggy, bt no losses. All of the others seemed dry. I'm guessing they stayed inside during the worst of the wet.

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