
Ok, so I just bought 6 of these chicks and wanted to know what they were. After not being able to find ANY information, I called tractor supply and they gave me the name of the hatchery. It's Mt. Healthy Hatchery. I called them and they are VERY nice and VERY helpful. The tetratint is a breed that lays an egg between white and brown so it ends up being a creamy tan color. They are white as adults and hens are supposed to be around 5 lbs fully matured. They will be white (like a leghorn) as adults and are supposed to be high egg producers. I wanted to ask if they were a cross breed but since they aren't listed as a standard breed, it's pretty apparent that they are.
OK Then they are probably about the same as the Austra Whites like Cackle has this year which are Black Australorp X White Leghorns.
Then why are they called Tetratints?

Upon more research, the reason for "tetra" has to do with the chromosome makeup with it being a hybrid. Now I'm no scientist but it seems like this is really bothering some on this feed so here is a link that you can study the chromosome makeup thus creating the hybrid chick "tetra" http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/shortcomm.pdf
I did a little more research and I think this is a hybrid called tetra blanca (for the white ones). Here is a pdf all about them... http://www.babolnatetra.com/pdfek/world-poultry2010.pdf
this helps.
Oh it didn't "bother me" it just made me go hmm then whats the name for. Sorry I didn't read through the thread I've been told I'm bad about that. First thing I thought of is they laid a egg that was 4 different colors
I can be so "blonde" sometimes
Thank you guys!When i heard the name i was so confused,but i think i might get a few of them,idk yet.
Thanks guys, I was about to ask same question about tetra tint chicks. T S had them today but knew nothing about them. i guess they are suppose to be a good layer/feed ratio. May try a few.

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