
Dear Texans,

Will my three week old babies be okay in the forty degree weahter we are supposed to have tonight? Their coop-condo is closed with plywood on the back and half of the two sides then in the front and remaining half of sides it is chicken wire. The roof covers the whole thing and is metal. They have a corner sort of closed off with plywood and extra hay but the 'girls' like to roost at night. What do I do guys?

Can you hang a heat lamp in the coop ? Three week olds do not have enough feathers yet to stay warm, and the drastic weather changes are rough on them too. With only four chicks, they will not generate enough heat to keep each other warm.

If no heat lamp, bring them into the house... A large rubermaid tub with chicken wire or screen on top will work fine temporarily. You can see several of these setups in the brooder thread section under Coops.
Hi Carla,

I wanted to thank you again for your help. Brought the girls into the house Friday and Saturday night. They were so good! The rubbermaid tub was perfect. I'm very glad I did bring them in because it got down to 38 at my house.

Have a great day,
Hi, I've been lurking here for a few weeks, and have finally joined. I live in Wickett, Texas - about 60 miles west of Midland.

I am waiting for my chicks from Ideal, and working on my chicken coop.

Enjoying learning from all of you.
Come to Texas Chickenstock 2008 on May 24 in San Marcos.

Can you tell us what goes on at a chickenstock
How do we find your place
Do we bring food for our familey, or just put it all togeather, or do we even bring food
does everone go out to eat,
Do we bring birds to trade or sell
How long does it last
I just don't know what to expect or plan on
But it sounds like it will be fun
Basically Chickenstock is a way for BYC members and other chicken enthusiasts to meet each other, eat, and have some fun. There is usually some bird swapping/buying/selling going on also. Kids, friends, relatives-everyone is welcome.

I supply the main dish and everyone else brings a side.
Most start showing up around 10:00-11:00. We eat at noon and have a Purple Poultry gift exchange (white elephant) afterward. Since a lot of people have to get back and take care of their critters at home, we usually break up after that. Of course you can stay longer if you want.

If anyone wants to camp out, I have 3-4 hook-ups with water and electricity (no sewer)

If you bring birds or eggs to swap, post what you have/want in the Chickenstock Texas section to see if anyone can bring what you want, or want what you have. It is pretty stressful to haul birds around for no reason.

I will send out directions the closer we get to the party and I know who is coming. I am about 5 miles off of I35 in San Marcos.
We are from Bowie County (Texarkana).Just moved to our location, and its to WET to set up any thing.

We have,1 Mare,1 week old horse,1 Yellow Lab, 1 Jill Russel Terrier,1 indoor cat, 1 outdoor cat, wire posts nests and plenty of room for the chicken yard, IF it will ever quit raining.

Bob and Charlene
I am in Magnolia, Texas which is Northwest of Houston between Bryan and Tomball.

New to the chicken biz but raised with them and been hatching and incubating eggs since I can remember. It's all coming back to me!

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