
Put Deep Litter Method in the BYC search engine, you will find many posts about the subject. I'd vote resting up for Marathon Weekend!! :gig Welcome to BYC and the ever running Texas thread! Look out for Lisa. She's a great greeter and even better enabler!! :ya I think I've missed part of the conversation (how I don't know. It's not like this thread moves very fast!) I think ya'll are talking about strays/drop offs? We have a lot here. In fact, 3 of my 4 dogs are "throw aways". I have taken in a lot of dogs, had them vetted and rehomed. It gets expensive and you never know what a stray might have/carry. I look at it this way, I take care of my dogs. I feed and water, give them a warm/dry place to stay, take them to the vet for shots and emergencies. I don't have the time or money to take care of other people's cast offs. If we notice a stray hanging around, and can't run it off, we take care of it. I have a 4 yr old granddaughter that stays with me while her mom works. I'm not willing to risk her health/life by trying to care for a stray. Not to mention my own animals that I don't want getting sick/hurt by a stray dog. Dropping off unwanted pets out in the country is not the "free and happy" life people think they are giving their animals. If they're lucky, the coyotes get them within a couple of days. If not, they either starve to death, get hit by a car or a land owner shoots them and puts them out of their misery. It is misery, wandering around wondering why your "family" ran off and left you. It's great some of ya'll are willing to take in strays, I have and will on occasion, but they've got to be something really special to risk my family and animals for. Here is a my last rescue. I've had him over a year now. The only reason he is here is because DH never could get a bead on him before I took pitty on him and took him it. He's one of the best dogs ever. He catches, rats, rabbits, moles and my dogs have killed 2 coons within the past 3 months. He's a Jack-Rat, Jack Russell/Rat Terrier mix. I'm sure he will be an A-1 chicken killer too! But I'm working on him! Off to T-ball. Have a great evening! :)
He's such a handsome boy! He's a very like boy to have ya'll as a family ;-)
From now till Memorial, I am loaded with tasks. On top of that, I am working on paperwork to get Charlie a US birth cert, US passport and SS number. He started to get Americanize as he sleeps by... Central Time !

Besides a pit bull, we just got another puppy but they cannot guard the yard as we are having some 2 leg predators!!!
It won't be long and he'll be over here! I know you can't wait!!!

Two legged predators are the worst! At least with animals, they are only doing what comes natural. I have no use for a thief or liar.

He's such a handsome boy! He's a very like boy to have ya'll as a family ;-)
Thanks! I like is beard, lol. :)

Jack just loves my granddaughter. When something happens to him, I plan on getting another Jack-Rat. They have a calmer side to them then a pure Jack Russell. JRT's are very high energy. The Rat Terrier part gives him an on/off switch.

Nice out this morning, but kinda cool. Hope everyone has a great day!
From now till Memorial, I am loaded with tasks. On top of that, I am working on paperwork to get Charlie a US birth cert, US passport and SS number. He started to get Americanize as he sleeps by... Central Time !

Besides a pit bull, we just got another puppy but they cannot guard the yard as we are having some 2 leg predators!!!

Hung, your job sounds very stressful! Take care of yourself Big Brother!

I can't wait for Charlie and your wife to arrive in America. That will be such a joyous occasion.

Two-legged predators??? Maybe you should think about security cameras. Either that or hot-wire the fence/gate!

Lisa :)
It won't be long and he'll be over here! I know you can't wait!!!

Two legged predators are the worst! At least with animals, they are only doing what comes natural. I have no use for a thief or liar. :mad:

Thanks! I like is beard, lol. :) 

Jack just loves my granddaughter. When something happens to him, I plan on getting another Jack-Rat. They have a calmer side to them then a pure Jack Russell. JRT's are very high energy. The Rat Terrier part gives him an on/off switch. 

Nice out this morning, but kinda cool. Hope everyone has a great day! 

As much as I hate the stray dogs here, they are a victim of horrible ownership and at least I can shoot them. A quick, clean shot with a hollow point bullet to head or chest at close range from my 9mm should put them down quickly with little to no pain. But 2 legged predators are the worst, because you can't shoot them and more often than not they get away with their theft. I have locks on everything, a security system on the house for when no one is home and I still worry. In my neighborhood someone could easily try and kill my chickens to get back at me for my stance on the dog situation, and that has me worried. I did call the sheriff, animal control, and the animal abuse hotline on them, and they know I have gone for their dogs on my property with a pipe.
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I am about to head out to Magnolia‎ TX‎ sure wish she was having this next week so I would be there for the trades day in Conroe next Sunday. Oh well I talk at y'all when I can. I am sure there will be 20 pages on here to read if I can not get back on until Sunday.
I am about to head out to Magnolia‎ TX‎ sure wish she was having this next week so I would be there for the trades day in Conroe next Sunday. Oh well I talk at y'all when I can. I am sure there will be 20 pages on here to read if I can not get back on until Sunday.
Have a safe trip! It is going to be an awesome day here. If any of the Texas peeps will be out in Conroe I'd like to say hi too.
I am about to head out to Magnolia‎ TX‎ sure wish she was having this next week so I would be there for the trades day in Conroe next Sunday. Oh well I talk at y'all when I can. I am sure there will be 20 pages on here to read if I can not get back on until Sunday.

It's time to burn the rubber ....
I think by end of next week , "Texas" will hit page 3000
Question for Austin area peeps (pun intended).
It looks like we have a drake in our flock & we're trying to decide what to do...

(1) Should we keep him, and try to hatch/sell the babies?
(2) Should we cull him, and have our first duck dinner?
(3) Should we sell him, and try to maintain an all female flock?

Any suggestions?
Anyone looking for an adolescent Pekin drake?
Anyone interested in buying baby ducks (if we end up having any, they would be Pekin/Crested mix)?

- TieDyeMommy

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