
Hi everyone.

Have you gotten the letter from TVMDL (A&M) saying that they won't be providing P/T testing starting September 1 of this year? Individuals can learn and do the testing for the fees. Shows and sales may test - but you won't get the paperwork. You need the paperwork to get a seller's license.

Anyone around here going to become a P/T tester for people's flocks? If you are, any idea of what you will charge? I know that the testers were really overloaded with so many flocks -- but now -- we could be left kind of 'high and dry'.
any thoughts?

My thought is why not have a County Extension Office do it, because after all they deal with agriculture. But, I guess that is me attempting to make this thing logical. I received the same notice, and found it annoying. I don't know where they plan on putting their centralized centers, but it seems like a bad idea. For instance, what if a flock goes in that has T/P which has pretty much been wiped out anyway. This is would lead to cross contamination of another flock coming in. They are trying, I think to privatize this. It sounds like a good job, but my body is too broken down to chase chickens around. They move a lot faster than I do. The kids are my wranglers.

The paranoid part of me thinks they are trying to stick to the small farmer again in deference to large agriculture and people who are offended by chickens in their neighborhood.

Again, I am trying to figure out my State. Suddenly, chickens are bad, but on 09/01/2017 you can strap a sword on your back for carry a spear. I am trying to understand the insanity.
So no one wants ducks huh?

I guess I picked a good time to thin the flocks. Ironically, to own a Turkey or a Duck you have to receive a permit from Texas Animal Control, but in September 1, 2017, I can strap a Samurai Sword to my back and walk into Walmart pretending I am 'Blade'. I had considered once I thin the flocks to get a few Coyuga Ducks for eggs and Drakes for meat. Honestly, I would love to throw some hair sheep in the fenced portion, let them 'mow' for me and butcher a Ram or two.

Thought about an aquaponic system, but, you need a license for Tilapia too.

The world upside down.
Hi All

I live in Seguin Tx was born in the UK, and have Light Sussex about 28 right now. Hope to have some Buff & Red Sussex when I can find a good breeder.
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Hi All

I live in Seguin Tx was born in the UK, and have Light Sussex about 28 right now. Hope to have some Buff Red Sussex when I can find a good breeder.

I am in Livingston. I have been raising Coronation Sussex. I have a rather large flock including roosters, hens, and a group of pullets that are 3.5 months old.
Hi kpolenz! Good luck with your Sussex. They tolerate the heat well for you? I always thought those were sweet looking hens.

Hello North
So far the heat doesn't seem a problem for them, they have plenty of shade and I keep the water well topped up. I have 10 that are roughly 3 1/2 mths old and 18 that are only 1 mth who have a fan on in their coop.
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@kpolenz eggscellent! I want to see pics! My mixed flock is almost 6 weeks old now. They've been in my unairconditioned sunroom since arrival (from Ideal) and doing fine with the good ventilation plus a fan going. I'm hopeful that will help them adjust better when the go to the coop in a week or so. Weather delays in finishing the coop. Had to let it dry out some before I could finish the French drains (about 100 ft) and drainage field. Foundation and floor are now installed, working on modular units under cover now. Getting a few dry days in a row now, so maybe done by the end of next weekend. :fl

Y'all stay chill!
Oh my! Your tax dollars at work, or not! That's really not where we need our budget cuts.

Not a lot of time to prepare. I might have to think about doing this for folks. I'll check out the requirements and see if it's doable for me. Thanks for the heads up! Doesn't really affect me, but I know a lot of people in this thread will be affected.


mailto:p[email protected]
Yes, I guess we did get really spoiled by the free service and visit from the testers. This does change the landscape though IMO.
What geographic area would you theoretically do testing in?
Since I'm in Arlington and no longer keep my civil aviation license, it'd be within about a 3 hour drive from me. Not at all sure I'd be up for the job, though. I haven't heard yet what the training would entail, how much I'd have to invest in equipment, if I'd have to run my own lab, use the A&M lab, or could contract with one. And then there's the question of liability, insurance, and a whole mess of other stuff. Not to mention, do I really want to visit a bunch of strangers' flocks then possibly bring home contaminants to mine? No matter how careful you are, stuff happens. And . . . HE and I are looking to make our move to a more rural area within the next five years or less. Definitely not sure I need/want to take this on.

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