
Hi fellow Texans,

I have been looking into getting a little backyard flock for some time and finally decided to jump in - Nice to meet you all and grateful for this forum, where I have been a lurker for some time now!

I live in Waco and was wondering if we have other backyard farmers in the area? I work from home, so I'm always looking for occasions to meet people - someone please tell me if we have a meet up group already for the area, and I'll join :p Otherwise we might have to make one!

I'll be building my coop this week and picking up pullets this Sat in West - you all, wish me good luck!
Very good luck!
I live close to Bryan/College Station.. Welcome! I don't know of Any group meets- but sounds interesting. I would definitely think hard about going g to one. Only problem Texas IS big, and might be a drive. I'm retired and spend most of my time around house and coop. In fact-im sitting in my coop now, reading, enjoying the weather, and praying for rain. None yet absolutely none. There is a hatchery in Cameron. Ideal Potry I think it's called.
Since about 3-4AM today we have had several waves of light sprinkles up to a seriously driven rain with 25-30mph sustained winds with peaks log 40MPH recorded. It was definitely about 40 to blow over the two person swing and it’s A-frame in the front yard.

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