Thanks be to God



Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
On this Christmas Eve, I find myself awed by the mercy of God and grateful for answered prayers. I start this thread not to become a devisive argument about religion, but as a way for us to share the blessings from what was definitely a hard year. Please share your blessings and answered prayers so we can rejoice with each other. Thanks be to God!

My answered prayer? My dad was diagnosed with first lymphoma and then pancreatic cancer back in the spring. He went downhill fast and we all thought we would lose him in a matter of weeks. I am very, very close to my dad and it just about ripped me apart. After many, many sleepless prayer filled nights (and after a prayer chain that spread like wildfire), the diagnosis was revised. Dad had lymphoma, a very treatable form of lymphoma. After 6 months of chemo, he is officially in remission and is doing great. Thanks be to God for answers to wordless midnight prayers!

I am so thankful to God, My DIL had a stroke and taken to Shands hospital in Jax, Fla. Kidneys failed, on life support. Kidney dr. wanted to pull the plug, but my oldest GG said No. she had a prayer train going. He told her she was brain dead and to pull the plug. Sibrina said they would wait 24 hrs. Next morning they got to hospital, she was sitting up in bed eating scrambled eggs and toast. Kidney dr. saying its not possible. It's just not possible. Sibrina said Her God could do anything. Dr. leaves room mumbling, it's just not possible. She will have to have physical therpy, but I talked to her and she knew me and only talked slow. PRAISE GOD.
hey, i just got here!

I am thankful for the mercy of the Father, who has saved and redeemed me.

For my grumpy husband, who is off work tonight, and I love dearly, grump and all, because he is here, and many officers this year have lost thier lives,

for my teenage children fighting in the kitchen, for I was able to have children, after suffering the devestating loss of two children,

for my new grandson, who is the hope of the future,

for my oldest daughter for bringing the hope of the future into our lives,

for the blessing of being a countrywife,

and for you people, who befreinded me, put up with my silly questions, and welcomed me in.

My wife and I watched Seven Days In Utopia. Great movie. There’s a scene that one of the main characters prays over a meal and it’s such a simple yet powerful prayer.
"For food in a world where many walk in hunger, For faith in a world where many walk in fear, For friends in a world where many walk alone, We give you thanks oh Lord. Amen."
My 4 month old dog ate 3 grapes yesteraday. She is only five pounds and one grape for an 100 pound dog caused severe problems. However, after praying and believing, she was completely healed. She barfed our one whole grape, with the other two mysteriously gone. But God does not require scientific reasoning nor evidence, just faith!!

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