Thanksgiving- What are your plans?

Me too! I was always fortunate, as a young mother, to be able to spend the holidays with my children and family. I promised to pass on the favor when my kids left home. So, I work the holidays, willingly.

Well, I don't have any kids (non-feathered ones, anyway), but I will also be working Thanksgiving day. And Sat-Sun as well. So I'll spend much of the weekend at the hospital. But I have Friday off, so we'll have our turkey dinner then.

Look at y'all! 5 pages already! Seems like you all have something planned, whether it be nothingness or a big feast. For all of you who have to work, I feel bad for you.
I used to be in the same boat. When I didn't have a family I used to volunteer to work the holidays so that those who had family could celebrate it. Now it is nice to have a day or two with hubby around and he will have to suffer my cooking.
I am a little worried about all the left overs. 1 chicken, the cauwliflower casserole, a big jug of "bowle" (some German drink made out of fruit juice and champagne), some handmade mashed potatoes...I have a feeling the chickens will be getting quite a few leftover too

Now, who here will seriously get up early to go shpping for Black Friday? Are there such good deals? We live right by a big mall and the traffic is always backed up right into the highway. I will just sleep in until the horses wake me up I guess
Me too! I was always fortunate, as a young mother, to be able to spend the holidays with my children and family. I promised to pass on the favor when my kids left home. So, I work the holidays, willingly.

Well, I don't have any kids (non-feathered ones, anyway), but I will also be working Thanksgiving day. And Sat-Sun as well. So I'll spend much of the weekend at the hospital. But I have Friday off, so we'll have our turkey dinner then.


You'll get to see all of us in there that ate too much
I for one am thankful that there are people like you out there working on a holiday so that the rest of us can find help if needed. THANK YOU
we usually have lasagna for christmas dinner

Mhm Christmas...we usually have rotisserie chicken for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I asked my husband once what he wanted with his chicken and he said: "What do you mean? I'll eat just the chicken." Such a farm boy
I am cooking the meal at our house!! its a 19 pound turkey!!! with mmmmm mashed pototes,green beans,yams,home-made cranberry jelly, yellow squash, salad, dinner rolls and carrots. ( i think thats it)) for dessert I am making pumpkin pie and key lime pie!! excited!! We are having my hubby, 2 kids, my father and my 89 year old grandma!! will be a blast!!!! I am off work all week and dont have to go back till saturday!! so ill have plenty of time to prepare and then clean up!!!
hope everyone has a great time no matter how or who they spend it with.
Well... We always celebrate with my dad's side of the family. my dad is the youngest of ten children so we have one, BIG FAMILY REUNION! my dad's older brother (he has eight kids) is comming to stay with us. one of his daughters is my age and we have a lot of fun. all together we have about 70 people for thankgiving. that's not even counting the people who live out of state! As you can imagine it is very fun!
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