The American Cemani Breeders forum

The crow reduction surgery only seems to have worked so much. Unless anyone wants my imperfect roo Boss.. he is destined for freezer camp soon

I have been wanting to make Korean black chicken ginsing soup... but I do have a fair bit of money tied up with the crow reduction surgery.

I would love to get him. But your too far away :( Good luck finding a home for him.
The crow reduction surgery only seems to have worked so much. Unless anyone wants my imperfect roo Boss.. he is destined for freezer camp soon

I have been wanting to make Korean black chicken ginsing soup... but I do have a fair bit of money tied up with the crow reduction surgery.

We have multiple crow-a-thons here every day. He would fit right in. I don't have any Cemani but have a couple of Black Sumatra pullets that he might like.
Well, we always knew they weren't purebred. He wasn't fooling anyone here. I just hope he didn't sucker too many people into buying "purebred" hatching eggs from him. That picture is clearly the same picture he's using for the "pure" eggs.
He is on the 24 hour auction Thread now. Somebody is really giving him what-for about his advertising methods.....

I think that's a different seller, unless I missed him? He was on there before I know, and got shot down. We could all clearly see the photo manipulation, lol.

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