The Belly Fat Cure

ive lost 20 pounds just from drinking vinegar like a shot of it its really good for you and it detoxes your liver kidneys and blood as well. i wish losing weight was as easy as putting it on lol. i went from 103 to a lot higher than that lol im a big procrastinater when it comes to losing weight. i was wondering if eating like a diabetic would be better for a diet? thats something ive always wondered. like paddock36 im a soda addict to lol.
Spenda has been proven to kill 50 percent of the good bacteria in your intestines. If you notice they have started adding Probiotics to it. All the artificial sweetners are proven bad for your health and keep you craving food. I have a friend who started this a week ago and completely gave up coffee because she liked to drink it with 4 spoons of sugar and decided she would rather not have it black. She said she has had no problems coming off it.

Chicken bottom, congrats on the 20 lb.
I am near that myself with the majority of that coming off in the last 13 days
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Wow--that's awesome! I would like to lose 15-25lbs but I'd settle for 20! I went to the doctor on Monday and got weighed...I almost passed out/barfed! LOL I've gained 25lbs since starting my new job and getting married, both in the summer of 2007! I don't eat candy, drink pop or eat poorly. I read labels constantly, buy organic when I can and drink lots of water. I cut out caffeine a while back (cold turkey) and had the pounding headache to prove it for three days afterward!

The last week, I've only drank water and decaf detox difference in weight, though...
Is that the apple cider vinegar?

yup. and thanks all for the compliments 20 pounds is great but ive got a long way to go

Doesn't it make you gag? LOL I can't even smell the stuff without wanting to hurl! LOL I have lots, too...I use it (sparingly) in roasts when I use the does really tenderize the meat...
yup. and thanks all for the compliments 20 pounds is great but ive got a long way to go

Doesn't it make you gag? LOL I can't even smell the stuff without wanting to hurl! LOL I have lots, too...I use it (sparingly) in roasts when I use the does really tenderize the meat...

actually i have always liked the taste of it and the smell. i drink about 16 ounces in 3 days and it seems to work really great for losing weight that and playing with my birds and biking. i wish i could give up soda i just love it so much lol.
What does your meal consists of on daily basis?



I love to EAT but dang, I fail to stick with it! need to lose 80 lbs.
There is a Soda on the Belly fat cure that is acceptable. Called Zevia. Comes in several flavors as well as cola. I think that keeping your metabolism at top speed by eating five times a day is part of good weight loss.

I have lost a total of 19. I started a low carb type diet but was hungry and not satisfied most of time. I got to a standstill in weight loss till I started this 15/6 plan on the Belly Fat Cure/ I am just so glad it works for me. I just got in from Church a few min ago and made a big Sandwich with 2 slices Ezekiel Bread, Some Fabulous Brisket and cheese, lettuce tomatoe and some dill pickles, mayo. Was very filling. I am done for today. Start a new week in the morning.

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