The Belly Fat Cure

I have just made a sugar free cheese cake with Stevia and it turned out Fabulous. No sugar and no carbs. I did put some fresh blueberries in it. Things like this work great for a afternoon snack with a cup of coffee. Also chocolate Whey powder with Almond Breeze 40 calorie milk that is sugar free in a blender with a tsp. of Vanilla and a cup of ice. Just like a chocolate milkshake.
Also their is a good recipe for chocolate sugar free brownies. I don't do the topping.

I have not missed sodas although you could get a Zevia soda if neccesary. I like to drink Sobe water 0 for a good pick me up.

LaTortilla Factory whole wheat tortilla are my friend. The ones with only 10 grams of carb and no sugar.

Another good snack it the Fridays spinach Aritichoke dip in the freezer section. Heat it up and have half with 10 corn chips or Mission Tortillas chips.

My husband and i love our baby spinach salads with pepperchini, feta cheeze, olives, toated almonds, tomatoes, and I like to make a dressing with EVO and lemon juice, salt pepper and minced garlic. Will have that with Chicken Parmesean Penne Pasta with plenty of butter. If you go to youtube and search Jorge Cruise it has videos of him making lots of awesome recipes that are quick and yummy.
We have oatmeal or grits with eggs and bacon or sausage for breakfast most mornings. Quaker instant oatmeal plain is only one carb serving and we cook for 1 min 20 seconds in microwave then add a pack of stevia , a dash of salt and cinnamon to taste and a little butter. That just doesn't sound like a diet to me. it is amazing what leaving off sugar will do for you.
How are you doing with this? I found out right before Christmas I'm pregnant so I'll be saving the weight loss for when I'm done "incubating" the baby!
Old post but I will add my two cents. STOP DIETING. I quit all that nonsense 3 years ago and I am now down 64 lbs. The key is to focus on GOOD foods that you ENJOY. If you don't like carrots DON'T EAT EM!!! The first year, I still ate cheesburgers everyday. This is my third year now and I rarely eat them. Not because I can't, but because they don't sound nearly as good as a turkey sandwich with provolone cheese and mustard and avocado!!!!! Or a salad of bittr greens with dried cranberries, roasted almonds, feta cheese, grape tomatoes (did I mention I HATE tomatoes?) and homemade ranch dressing.

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