The Chickendad Chronicles

she is a buff orp and EE mix, very much like her mom spice, lost her to a mystery illness, so didn't have the heart to rehome spicette- but her mom was a BO, and had that Barbabra attitude, and so does her daughter...LOL! not one for petting, but very sure of herself...should have been a BR...

oh barbara 2 where are you???
News from Chickendad Ranch

Baby Barbara has established her position of Queen of the Growing Up Pen. She has discovered the deliciousness of cold watermelon rinds, so is first in line when treats are distributed. She is practicing tightrope walking in the outdoor pen where there is a perching log. She is not above giving her subjects a sharp peck on the head when the Queen is not amused.

Elsewhere at Chickendad Ranch, the heat wave of the past week or so has been difficult for the girls. Most have gone on strike, probably fearing they would lay hard-boiled eggs. The poor little cochins were especially bothered by the heat, so were allowed out to free range and find the coolest spots. The bantam rocks were also allowed out and made good use of the pine tree spa. At different times, the big Ameraucana girls came out and proceeded to snack their way thru the daylily beds until Mrs. Chickendad rigged up some netting to keep them out. Daylilies make VERY expensive chicken feed. However, Mrs. Chickendad was a couple days late in getting the flowers netted, so they are looking a bit tatty this year.

The Silly Ameraucana Girls staged a party at the spa. First, they all had a good bath in the loose dirt. Then party food was served: grapes, worms and chunks of watermelon rinds. After the refreshments, the girls laid around in the driveway, burping blearily. Their rooster, Bobby was making an obnoxious pest of himself at this hen party, so he was banished back to the Ameraucana pen where he could not make the party X-rated.

It seems that one of the cochin boys has been seeing one of the wheaten girls on the side. They have produced a love child: a lovely whitish (so far) young EE pullet with puffy cheeks and feathered feet. She is shaped like an Ameraucana, and only the feathered feet give away her true parentage. Mrs. Chickendad is not sure who the sneaky cochin is, but suspects he is white, so it is either Kenny or Captain.

On a sad note, Wally and Bob, the BLRW and Wheaten roosters did not survive the heat spell. The Chickendads felt terrible about losing them, and redoubled their efforts to make sure everyone has cold water and shade. They tried frozen bottles of water last year, but the silly birds were afraid of them and got more worked up, so that was discontinued. The younger boys have taken to laying under the hanging water founts and spilling water all over the ground, making a mud hole to play in.

There are new babies in the brooders, mostly wheaten and bantam lavender Ameraucanas. A few white cochin babies are toddling around as well. Another hatch is due tomorrow. Mrs. Chickendad got a note from her friend, BYCer Audbun who hatched several babies out of refrigerated eggs over the weekend! Since the parent birds had been killed in a coon attack, she set them to see if any would hatch and it worked! So the lesson must be, don’t count your chickens . . . . .
I loved the pics and labels!! She is a real cutie!! What is her name?

spicette- in honor of her mama- and she is one to keep me on my toes!!LOL!

Good to hear barbara is establishing herself! this heat spell has been brutal here, but we haven't lost any, i am sorry you lost your boys...maybe they would like crushed ice?
Thanks for the update, MrsChickendad. I love, love, love the description of the love child. I think Americauna's are the cutest of all chickens. My Maureen has the puffy cheeks and the disposition of a beauty who knows she is! I'm sorry for your losses. We have less eggs just now, but our shady chicken yard helps with the heat. Looking forward to more installments of Chickendad Chronicles.

oxoxo Caroline
How sad about your roosters!
Hope the hatching goes well!
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Mrs Chickendad I have been away from byc for quite some time. due to family reason. I just read about the loss of Barbara and I am so sorry the love child Leon is still alive and being a real pain. I lost my last Barred Rock hen to heat this summer. I have a striped cochin that we got from the tractor supply so I guess that will have to work for now. I am hoping to hatch a few of Leon's babies out this summer but so far no luck.

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