The Chickendad Chronicles



Hope you're OK, Mrs Chickendad!!!!!
aww.... you are a heroin though! you saved those lives by quick thinking! i agree, as i have continual banged knees and mystery bruises....
Dear MrsChickendad - I read the bit about your wonky glasses to my DH. He said if we ever hit the lotto, we will have to go see you. He said we wouldn't care about the high gas prices then. I said, yes, I would love to meet that funny lady.
Perhaps our travels will take us close to your neck of the woods one day. We've been in Michigan for the National Cushman Motor Scooter meet in years past - '96 I think, but this year it's in Perry, GA (the furthest south it's ever been). On your way to Disney one year, do stop in. You are a delight!
Thank you, Caroline! Your kind words made my day. The adventures of my chickens have allowed me to "meet" so many nice people all around the world, which I find astonishing. I'd love to meet all of you in person . . . and your chickens, too!
'Hope & pray you are completely well & happy as you read this . God Bless you. I been reading & enjoying so much "The Chickendad Chronicles" someone in refer us to in "Derperella's"thread :O)
Just caught up on this thread! It is a great read! I have Silkies but our family has developed a taste for free range eggs since I rescued a special needs barred rock to run with my one EE. We keep running out of eggs so just purchased 3 barred rock hens from a nearby hobby farmer. I just wanted one or two and the lady talked me into taking three as they were 1 yr old sisters! They are all very tame and talkative! Named them Maxine, Laverne, & Patti after the Andrews Sisters who were favorite singers of my grandmother. I think they like it here as they all laid eggs yesterday. It was so cute when I went to close up my 30x 40 pole barn which is very secure and my chickens are free in there at night. The three of them came over to me and looked up at me as if to say where do we sleep? They were used to being confined in a small coop at night. I opened the door of a wire pen that I had straw in and they waddled in and settled down for the night! I opened the door this morning and out they came! Chickens are such fun!
Mrs chickendad, sorry to hear about your glasses (and the mud) but very happy to hear your wrists are intact.

Just hatched out a little group of brown red and lemon blue bantam cochins, my they are cute when they are young!
Life in Chicken City

The ladies are still laying up a storm, I am seeking new customers giving out free samples. Otherwise the girls will be getting scrambled eggs almost every day. The yellow sex links AKA Goldy (all 15 of them) lay 14 eggs on average everyday. I haven't figured out if they take breaks or not. The rest of the ladies are less productive, two are broody, but only Miss Stink (she was a real stinker as a chick and the name stuck) is sitting. She will be at day 21 tomorrow on the two eggs that have started chicks. Don't know if they will wake up, I can't hear well enough to hear cheeping in the shell. I should have put more under her, but I didn't think she would be so devoted. She is very dutiful about attending to the eggs. She has been moved to the brooder pen and we will see what happens. She is on the front porch where she is safe. Annie-Not refused to stay in the kennel, one would have thought she was in jail when I tried to move her from the coop to the kennel to sit on eggs. She sits on her feet, has been for days now in the coop. Oh well, if she wants babies, she will sit in the kennel that can be secured from her flock mates and predators. Annie-not is from my first hatch last year, and looks like a production red, though both her parents were Naked Necks. With NN, if they have a large bow tie, then they carry only one Na gene, rather than 2. As a result, about 25% will be normally feathered because they didn't "get" an Na gene. I was rather disappointed, I really do love my Naked Necks, they are such sweet gentle birds.

All the youngsters are out of the garage, and living in the trailer coop. DH got in trouble for calling them trailer trash. There are 6 New Hampshire and 7 from a hatch for my GD over spring break. Looks like I may have 2 boys from that 7, and the NH are all girls, they were from Privitt Hatchery. One of the boys is a NN, but his coloring is interesting, he is white and brown, possibly mottled, with gold sickle feathers coming in. Should take the camera out and do pictures. His momma was one of the NN Annies and Dad is a dark EE. Don't think he has the blue egg gene, no pea comb. Anyway the little ones were amazingly good about going to bed, we didn't have to pull them out from under the trailer in the dark last night. The Little BeBes are good about going to bed in the trailer, only the first night did we have to chase them. Big Bebe is one of my first chickens, she is a NH, too. She is 3 years old now. The trailer is rather spacious, being 5x8, the coops are 4x6 not counting the nest box footage. I still have to put nest boxes on the trailer. These girls will give me a production boost about the time the others decide it is molt time. Haven't decided if I will get more NN in the fall or wait until Feb. I getting them from Nava, another BYC member, she has lots of variety, blues, splash and even BLRNN.

Mrs Chickendad, do your PT and get the strength back in your arms and shoulders. No fun, it isn't called pain and torture for nothing, but getting strong should save you money on replacing glasses. My glasses tend to be wonky too, but I sit on them frequently. I leave them laying on the bed and squish. I have reached the point that glasses are no longer optional for reading/driving so I have to be nicer to them.
Good that you are able to work somewhat with your babies.
Haven't decided if I will get more NN in the fall or wait until Feb. I getting them from Nava, another BYC member, she has lots of variety, blues, splash and even BLRNN.
What? She crossed the BLRWs with the NNs? She bought BLRW eggs from me a couple years ago. I can't imagine what that cross will look like!
I will be getting some from her maybe this fall or in the spring, I need to get more NN. Lost 2 to "the woods" this month, but I have a little NN/EE roo that might stand a chance if he isn't stupid. The BLRNN chicks look like regular BLR chicks except they have the bare neck and the NN attitude. For such mild manner adults, the chicks are such divas.

Miss Stink's babies woke up right on time. One is black and one is gold, neither are NN, and she is barring the door of the brooder house. It is so nice, no heat lamps or chicky dust - they are on the front porch in the brooder pen, in the little brooder house. And since it is TX nights are generally warm, days certainly are. Left a "nest box" in the kennel with the door open to see if anyone else is considering sitting.

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