The cockerels are "attacking" us :)

Total guesses here but I think that
#3 is a light Sussex
#5 Minorca
#6 blue Andalusian
I have no idea on the others.
Well you all no more then i do, as i have no clue

You won't loose a finger.
I read some of your related posts on another thread and think you may be making this situation worse. It seems you tend to act out of anger in a way that triggers you rooster to "defend" itself. If the bird feels threatened, it will come at you. I don't know how old you are but I think you might not be ready for a challenging roo. Just MHO.

It appears I'll have to send the message to you too. Sigh. I don't really have an anger problem.. If I did I'd have special ed at school which I need for my ADD but noo my parents won't help me with that. An aid in class would be nice but noo the school doesn't call us even though I've seen 2 new aids. -____-
I'm 15. I realize that and I think I like my silkie roo he's a sweetheart! I can pick him up and snuggle him and give him baths and poof up his feathers. Honestly I like "lap" roosters. Some of my hens like to roost on my lap which is great! But sometimes they step in their own poop which isn't great for my pants. The 4 other roos who are all about 6 months of age never show aggression towards me. They are flightly but they trust me enough to eat a bowl of mealworms from my hands. I want nice roosters like them but Charlie is poop. He almost sparred at my dad too, but my dad kicked sand in his face and Charlie ran off clucking.

Don't worry about catching him during the day, just pull a 'Mission Impossible' deal and throw a towel over him and pluck him off the roost one night, then carry him into the garage and work on your 'taming' for an hour, then put him back on the roost, or keep him in the garage in a kennel overnight, and make him associate you with getting to go out in the morning for a few weeks. If he's mean and spars you, he doesn't get to go out.... Well, it's worked for me anyways.
We were told they were all got at the some time from chicks, that is all we know about them.

We've only had them since just before Xmas and they are still in a temp pen as the weather's been to bad to get the field for their pen ready, but they are doing much better, put on weight and are becoming real friendly.

Thanks for all the suggestions, i'll be going on the internet with all the names and see from there
I scoop the aggressive ones up as soon as I see them. Sometimes, I have two cockerels in each arm. I don't give them the opportunity to become aggressive with me.
At times, I have a few treats in my pockets and hand feed them. As soon as they eat them, I stroke their head and put them down. If they lunge at me, the process begins again. After a few days it should stop. I have a sebright that continues to attack me as soon as I turn my back. This has continued for years! Believe it or not, he controls the large fowl yard, the Rhode Island Red Roo, Leghorn and Lavender Orp's included! Little B******! LOL! I could never get him to stop. I charge at him as soon as I see him. Hahahahhahahaha...I posted yesterday that someone came by and took 15 roosters and I didn't have the heart to include him. As much trouble as he gives me, he is actually harmless. He's such a little guy. I love em!

We haven't had them long and they come at the worst of the weather, they were skinny so we concentrated on fatting them up, they have been quiet stressed as we had to put them in a small dog pet, then we built a temp pen, we had no feeders or their pen as been changed almost on a daily bases, i'm surprised some are already so friendly with so much change and stress.

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