The EE braggers thread!!!

Hey Chickadude! One looks slate-ish, the other is green, at least on top. Can you get a pic of the bottom of the feet. I know that sounds weird, but my BR has almost completely grey legs on top, but the bottom of her feet are bright yellow! Again, the leg/foot to egg color isn't always a guarantee, but it is an indicator of egg color a lot of times. Ethel is a beautiful girl. Mine are still pullets, haven't laid yet, but they are sooooo cute! Both kinda look like they are wearing shawls, lol.
They look like slate and yellow. I am amazed how beautiful one of my EE's feathers down the back are too! Also have wondered what the parents were. I have no clue on mine or yours. :D Sure did make for pretty birds though :D
There is no connection between the leg color and the eggshell color. I've had yellow legged that laid a green/blue egg and I've had l green and slate legged thathave laid brown eggs. The connection to the blue/green egg gene is the comb type. The peacomb is the connection usually if they have the peacomb they will more than likely (no guarantee)
lay the blue/green egg. I have had single combed birds lay a green/blue egg though, so it can be iffy.
AHHH......everyone says it's in the leg color, green for green, slate for blue. All the people nearby that keep EEs have said the correlation lines up in their birds. Figured the 20+ year veterans would know, lol. Guess it just worked out that way for them. They said to look at the bottom of the feet though. They all have pea combed or the "hybrid" comb types in their birds. I just chalk it up at the end of the day to not knowing until the eggs come, they are mutts after all. Beautiful, healthy, quirky mutts.
The only other connection I know of between egg color and external features is based on earlobe color. Red lobes usually go to brown egg layers, white lobes to white egg layers. Not sure how helpful that would be however in an EE, except maybe the odds of blue vs. green if the blue gene is present.

This is my smallest Roo
I also thought he was a girl at one pint hence his name Tessa
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Once upon a time I thought he was a girl sooo his name is Lacy
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This sweetie is Tawny :)
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The only other connection I know of between egg color and external features is based on earlobe color. Red lobes usually go to brown egg layers, white lobes to white egg layers. Not sure how helpful that would be however in an EE, except maybe the odds of blue vs. green if the blue gene is present.

Earlobe color in EEs is irrelevant. It has no conection to the color they will lay. The closest that has been come up with is peacombs some how are connected to the blue gene.

I however am making EEs and Bantam EEs not specifically using peacombs so we will see how that plays out.
The only other connection I know of between egg color and external features is based on earlobe color. Red lobes usually go to brown egg layers, white lobes to white egg layers. Not sure how helpful that would be however in an EE, except maybe the odds of blue vs. green if the blue gene is present.

Earlobe color doesn't hold up for many breeds.

All my EEs have white to a florescent green earlobe. My ameraucanas have red. All lay blue to olive eggs.

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