The EE braggers thread!!!

Ok, I need some advice/opinions. I had two chickens I got at the same time/age/from the same person. One is an Easter Egger and the other was a Welsummer. The Welsummer turned out to be a roo, and started crowing last week. I re-homed him last Thursday, and the past 3 days the EE has been making a crowing noise in the mornings. It's face looks like a pullet to me, but it does have some manly tail feathers. Will hens try to crow if the roo leaves? Or is my female EE most likely a boy? I'm adding pics to help clarify. Thanks in advance!!

That's a rooster. Very handsome one of that too. :)
She is still white with a few brown feathers, coming in on her breast, I don't have any single pics of her when she was a little chick because I thought she was a different breed, until I realized her legs were different!

This is around 4 weeks

This is now

Lovely! Nice full face too! I can't wait to see how mine turn out! Until I saw this thread I hadn't realized that EE's could be SO MANY different colors! I want one of each! LOL! I wish I could find an EE roo to breed with! I've hit my chicken limit for now tho so even if I found one I couldn't get it. No more chickens unless they're ones that hatch from the ones I've already got! I'll have to stick with my buff laced polish until I can convince my other half that a person can NEVER have too many chickens!
Lol, I didn't even know what an EE was until I posted on the sexing page. There was an americauna roo to give away that I've been resisting so far! I have double the original amount of chickens I had planned on, at my limit also. It really is addiction and I could watch them all day!
My incubator hatch is finished, not sure about my broody, if she is finished or not yet, but these were the last, they had very difficult hatches. They aren't fluffed up good, I tried but it is difficult to fluff a very uncooperative chick They are more fluffy today, I'll get more pics later

dark bottom eyeliner

light eye liner

dark top eyeliner, thank goodness for the eyeliner or I couldn't tell them apart!
Day 23 in the incubator and I have had chicks hatching since day 17. 10 eggs left and one is pipped. Most of them are EE. I was hatching them for a guy I work with. he has been called out of town and ask me to keep them until next Wednesday. I don't know if he realizes how dangerous that is... I have already decided I'm keeping one of them it looks like a chocolate chick you would get in a Easter basket. You know I have to have it. I don't have one in that color. lol I'll get pictures later. has anyone had a chick look like that and can tell me what it looks like feathered out.
Quote: Good luck with that
Some people just don't get it..
Lol, I didn't even know what an EE was until I posted on the sexing page. There was an americauna roo to give away that I've been resisting so far! I have double the original amount of chickens I had planned on, at my limit also. It really is addiction and I could watch them all day!
Chicken TV is great, chick TV (not human) is better, but broody and chick TV is the BEST!
Day 23 in the incubator and I have had chicks hatching since day 17. 10 eggs left and one is pipped. Most of them are EE. I was hatching them for a guy I work with. he has been called out of town and ask me to keep them until next Wednesday. I don't know if he realizes how dangerous that is... I have already decided I'm keeping one of them it looks like a chocolate chick you would get in a Easter basket. You know I have to have it. I don't have one in that color. lol I'll get pictures later. has anyone had a chick look like that and can tell me what it looks like feathered out.
I think he has no clue how dangerous that is, because .. well, you have to keep that one -and then there might be another one, or two - and I noticed you already say "I WAS hatching them for a guy I work with"..which means he might not get any

I had a solid brown one with a red/brown head - it turned into a white based rooster. Its amazing how the colors change on EEs. I don't have any good pictures of him when he was a baby, but when he got his juvenile feathers in they were black and white, so check the wing feathers on yours for barring. He was another of the dreaded black and white turned into a rooster chicks. The chick down shows what the color base is, and I think the solid brown is eb based.

I was going to attach pictures, but apparently my connection times out at 1000 milliseconds (satellite will do that) and so I can't upload anything. Oh well.

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